insert_link Africa Zimbabwe considers elephant culling for food amid drought Zimbabwe is considering culling elephants for the first time since 1988 as the country grapples with a devastating drought. Environment Minister Sithembiso Nyoni told lawmakers in Mount Hampden, near Harare, that discussions are underway to cull elephants and distribute the meat to drought-stricken communities in need of protein. This move comes as Zimbabwe faces one of the worst droughts in recent decades, leaving many communities food insecure. According to Bloomberg […] todaySeptember 12, 2024 81
insert_link Africa Mysterious African manatees inspire a growing chorus of champions By Petro Kotzé, via Mongabay As a young student, Aristide Kamla had “big plans” when he traveled to Lake Ossa in Cameroon to conduct his master’s degree fieldwork with the little-known African manatee. He was hoping for a manatee count and a management plan to come out of the expedition on the roughly 4,000-hectare (10,000-acre) lake. But securing grants was difficult for this budding researcher, so his first funder […] todaySeptember 10, 2024 46
insert_link Africa Nigeria destroys elephant tusks worth 11 million dollars Nigeria has destroyed a stockpile of confiscated elephant tusks worth 11 million dollars. They were smuggled from different African countries. Tesem Akende reports from Jos. todayJanuary 10, 2024 56
insert_link Africa Namibia hosted Africa’s 1st community-led conservation congress. Where will it lead? By Victoria Scheneider Via Mongabay Hundreds of Indigenous and local community groups, conservation organizations, governments and policymakers gathered to strategize how communities can play a bigger role in African conservation efforts, which are typically dominated by big international NGOs. However, the outcomes of the congress were vague, and some participants concluded that the dependence on large NGOs and policymakers, through equitable partnerships, was needed. Organizers say this congress is a […] todayNovember 2, 2023 12