insert_link Africa Displaced by violent conflict: the world’s most neglected crises are in Africa – six essential reads By Kagure Gacheche, The Conversation The Norwegian Refugee Council recently released a report highlighting the 10 most neglected displacement crises in the world in 2023. Nine of the 10 countries are in Africa – the only non-African country on the list is Honduras in central America. Neglect, according to the council, is characterised by a lack of media coverage, inadequate humanitarian funding and insufficient […] todayJune 10, 2024 9
World The UN Security Council Is Struggling ‘Day by Day,’ Japan Says Secretary-General António Guterres, left, and Kazuyuki Yamazaki, permanent representative of Japan and president of the Security Council for March, before a recent meeting on Sudan and South Sudan. Only three months in the UN post, Yamakazi leads the Council on a range of crises this month, from the wars in Gaza and Ukraine to conflicts in parts of Africa, as Japan also highlights its own two signature debates: building peace […] todayMarch 13, 2024 16
insert_link Namibia Uutoni irked by disputes in some traditional authorities Minister of Urban and Rural Development Erastus Uutoni said he was disturbed by disputes within some of the traditional communities that has ‘really’ reached an alarming rate. Uutoni made the remarks during the officially inaugurated the |Gaio-Daman Traditional Authority Head Office and Ernst Taguri Gurirab Community Hall at Anker in the Kunene Region on Saturday. He reminded traditional authorities that disputes not solved on time result in conflicts which are […] todayNovember 27, 2023 11