insert_link Namibia NORED to disconnect electricity Nored Head Office By Maria Namupala The northern Namibia's regional Electricity Distributor, NORED has urged its customers and stakeholders to fully settle their overdue accounts or make acceptable payment arrangements before January 21, 2025. The company announced in a media release on Tuesday that it will start disconnecting service for indebted customers whose accounts are in 30-day arrears thereafter. NORED further said customers must pay their debt to enable […] todayJanuary 15, 2025 11
insert_link South Africa S.A’s Mashatile Says Treasury May Cut Budgets to Settle State Debt to Municipalities S.A's Deputy president Paul Mashatile says the National Treasury is considering cutting budgets of departments that owe municipalities to settle debt. In August, Finance minister Enoch Godongwana revealed that organs of state collectively owe municipalities 18.6-billion-rand for rates and taxes. In Gauteng alone, the state had a debt of 3.5-billion-rand by the end of July, with provincial government departments accounting for most of the debt. Mashatile told the National Council […] todayDecember 6, 2024 21
insert_link South Africa Minister Hlabisa Urges Government Departments to Settle R29.4 Billion Municipal Debt Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Velenkosini Hlabisa, is urging government departments to settle their municipal debt. Government departments owe municipalities about 29.4-billion-rand. Answering questions in Parliament, Hlabisa says his department aims to ensure that financial recovery plans for municipalities prioritise long-term sustainability and are effectively implemented: todayNovember 15, 2024 54