insert_link Health / Medical Health Ministry addresses Katutura Hospital maternity ward overcrowding The Minister of Health and Social Services Dr. Kalumbi Shangula says his ministry is addressing the issue of overcrowding at Katutura Intermediate Hospital’s maternity ward as a matter of urgency. Dr. Shangula's comments come in response to concerns raised by the Landless People’s Movement chief whip, Utaara Mootu, regarding the overall state of the health facility. todayJuly 1, 2024 100
insert_link Namibia Support Needed for Katutura Hospital Goodie Bag Initiative By Dilia Mazula In response to the dire conditions at Katutura Hospital, the WeCare Foundation is spearheading a heartfelt initiative to bring some much-needed relief and joy to patients. Between June and July, the foundation plans to deliver goodie bags to the hospital, specifically targeting the maternity ward, pediatric ward, and even the emergency room if enough donations are received. The initiative highlights the urgent […] todayJune 6, 2024 15
insert_link Business / Economics Hospital pie in the election sky This story is republished with permission from The Tender Bulletin (Edition No. 1541 - 30 May 2024) Swapo has spent close to N$1-b on its swanky new head office opposite the dilapidated Katutura Hospital on which the government has spent only N$120-m since 1994, attracting much public criticism. Now, with November’s general elections around the corner, Windhoek’s new District Hospital in Havana has suddenly been prioritised after […] todayMay 27, 2024 112
insert_link Oshiwambo Ben Nangobe okwati oshitopolwa sha Khomas osha taalela omumbwe yee Ambulance. Omunambelewa omukulunhu mo shikondo sho uhaku Ben Nangobe okwati, oshitopolwa sha Khomas ota shi hangwa ashike oyeendifo yee ambulances dili 13, odo tati ina di wana oku ya ndja omakwafo ko shiwana. Nangobe edi okwe dipopya pefimbo leenghundafana odo ali mudo no News on One, sha landula ko shi ningwanima sho ambulance ya fika kwa to kelwa oku yandja eyakulo ko mukainhu wo mido 22, oo ali ta mono okanona […] todayMay 16, 2024 22
insert_link Namibia Help4Nam organisation engages in acts of giving. As Christmas approaches rapidly and the year nears its end, various organizations are engaging in acts of giving. The Help4Nam project recently visited Katutura Intermediate State Hospital, the country's largest referral health facility. Celeste Allies from the charity shared insights about the visit. todayDecember 18, 2023 44
insert_link Namibia Geingob inaugurates newly renovated Emergency Unit at Katutura Intermediate State Hospital President Hage Geingob inaugurated the newly renovated Emergency Unit at the Katutura Intermediate State Hospital, which is the biggest and busiest emergency unit in the country. Geingob said the refurbishment of the unit is part of the ministry’s comprehensive plan that has been approved by Cabinet to improve Namibia’s public health system. We spoke to ERWIN Tjipuka CEO of Standard Bank Namibia-who sponsored this venture alongside the Motor Vehicle Accident […] todayNovember 2, 2023 24