insert_link Namibia Windhoek High Court judge rules on Shapwa Kanyama case A Windhoek High Court judge has ruled that remarks that a nurse made in a WhatsApp voice recording about pharmaceutical company owner Shapwa Kanyama and the cost of his wedding celebrations were defamatory. Judge Beatrix de Jager said in a judgement delivered on Monday that although nurse Mathilde Kadhikwa’s remarks touched on matters of public interest, Kadhikwa could not prove the facts on which her comments or opinion were based […] todayDecember 12, 2024 19
insert_link Namibia Shangula pardoned in Kanyama defamation suit Minister of Health and Social Services, Kalumbi Shangula has been pardoned as a witness in a defamation matter involving prominent businessman Shapwa Kanyama. Kanyama and his wife, Beata Kanyama, are suing a northern-based former nurse, Mathilde Kadhikwa, after she allegedly insinuated that the couple funded their multimillion-dollar wedding with public funds in May 2022. Kanyama also claims Kadhikwa insinuated he committed crimes and that he is unlawfully […] todayJuly 16, 2024 75