insert_link Business / Economics European auto chief calls for EU to relax environmental regulations The head of Europe's Automobile Manufacturers' Association has called on the EU to revise its environmental policies. Car makers in Europe currently have until the end of the year to substantially curb emissions or face penalties. But industry leaders fear such action could cause European brands to lose pace with the competition. William Denselow reports from Brussels. todayJanuary 17, 2025 21
insert_link South Africa South Africans Against Drunk Driving Calls for National Disaster Declaration South Africans Against Drunk Driving founder, Caro Smit, has urged the government to declare drunk driving a national disaster following fatal crashes in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. Smit told Newzroom Afrika drunk driving is a major road safety threat, advocating for specialised courts to address offenders and penalties for liquor outlets serving intoxicated patrons. She calls on citizens to unite against drunk driving: todayDecember 18, 2024 10
insert_link Environment EU to introduce 10-year prison terms for environmental crimes The European Union has become the first international body to criminalise the most serious cases of environmental damage that are “comparable to ecocide”. Ecosystem destruction, including habitat loss and illegal logging, will be punished with tougher penalties and prison sentences of up to 10 years under the EU’s updated environmental crime directive. Here is local Ecologist Peter Cuningham. todayFebruary 28, 2024 51