insert_link World Ukraine conflict in focus at G20 Ukraine is the focus of the final day of the G20 summit in Brazil. It comes amid reports Ukraine has used US-made long-range missiles to strike far into Russian territory. Kate Fisher reports from Rio de Janeiro where the summit is being held. todayNovember 20, 2024 19
insert_link World At G20: Biden pledges $4 billion for world’s poorest countries US President Joseph Biden has pledged $4 billion for the world's poorest countries. The announcement came after Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva launched a global alliance to fight hunger and poverty at the G20 meeting of the world's leading economies in Rio de Janeiro, from where Kate Fisher3 sent this report. todayNovember 19, 2024 18
insert_link Oshiwambo Oshiwana moumbuwanhu wa Brazil oshi li natango moupyakadi wo meva efudja Omilonga do meva oda lo potwa da panuka vali onghela moumbuwanhu wa Brazil no kwee tififa oshikungulu she fudja osho sha dipaya omuvalu wo vanhu ve fike pe 145 , no ku fininika ovanhu omayovi no mafele va tembukemo momaumbo avo. Oshiwana mo shitopolwa sha Rio Grande do Sul, osha ta lika shili mo upyakadi wo muloka wa hovela vali konima yo ivike ili 2 ya pitapo, eshi omilonga da […] todayMay 13, 2024 11