insert_link South Africa Teachers’ Group Urges Investigation into Rise of Unqualified Educators The National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa is calling on the South African Council for Educators to investigate the alleged rise in unqualified teachers working at schools. This comes after the Foundation for Education and Social Justice Africa revealed that it has received an alarming number of reports of under and unqualified educators, including students, hired to teaching posts at some private schools across the country. Naptosa’s executive […] todayJanuary 10, 2025 12
insert_link Opinion Pieces Bullies in South African schools were often bullied themselves – insights from an expert Bullying is far more complex than current interventions acknowledge. Georgia Court/Getty Images Andrea Juan, Human Sciences Research Council “Pupil stabbed to death at Gauteng school had suffered history of bullying”. “Grade 6 learner commits suicide after bullying”. “Grade 11 learner takes her own life after taunts over her appearance.” These are just some headlines about the occasionally tragic effects of violent school bullying in South African schools – and, unfortunately, […] todayJanuary 10, 2024 24