insert_link Health / Medical Namibia commended in HIV and Hepatitis B battle By Bonface Orucho, bird story agency Namibia is making significant strides in combating the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis B from mother to child, showcasing the effectiveness of government-led initiatives in addressing these two global health challenges, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). On Monday (May 6), the WHO awarded Namibia with “silver tier” and “bronze tier” certifications for its progressive trends towards reducing hepatitis […] todayMay 8, 2024 47
insert_link World WHO: Number of adult tobacco users worldwide has decreased The World Health Organisation has announced that the total number of adult tobacco users worldwide has decreased. In releasing its latest Global tobacco trends report the organisation says the fastest decreases in tobacco use is happening in the lower middle-income countries while the highest prevalence of tobacco users is in the South-East Asian region. The WHO's Dr Rüdiger Krech has urged countries to continue putting in place tobacco control policies […] todayJanuary 17, 2024 21
insert_link Oshiwambo Cameroon ayakula omuti mupe wokutunila omukifi woMalaria Epangelo laCameroon okwa lopotwa layakula omuti upe woMalaria wokutunila ufike pomata edulife po 330,000 ngaashi uli wadiminwa oku longifwa kehangano louhaku mounyuni (WHO). Oo eli ominsiter yonghalo nawa noudjolowele moshilongo osho, Manaouda Malachie okwati eyakulo lomuti wokutunila omukifi woMalaria oshili efindano lakula mondjokonona yoshilongo. Oshilogo Kenya, Ghana na Malawi yoo ota kulopotwa ya hovela nale netunilo lomuti woMalaria wo RTS,S oo watalika hauyandjwa momata opane. Moule woivike ishona oyo twa […] todayNovember 23, 2023 22