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The role of the media as Namibians head to the polls this November


The role of the media as Namibians head to the polls this November

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the role of the media is more crucial than ever. Ethical journalism serves as the cornerstone of a well-informed society, guiding public opinion and shaping democratic discourse. Central to media ethics are the principles of factual and balanced reporting, which ensure that the information disseminated to the public is accurate, fair, and impartial. Factual reporting Factual reporting involves the rigorous collection, verification, and presentation […]

Khorixas Mayor Patience !Hoaes Discusses Town’s Progress and Challenges in Exclusive Interview

Interview Transcripts

Khorixas Mayor Patience !Hoaes Discusses Town’s Progress and Challenges in Exclusive Interview

By Leonard Witbeen In a recent interview with Khorixas Mayor Patience !Hoaes, the mayor shared her insights on her journey since taking office, the current state of the town, and the plans she has for its future. The Moment of Triumph When asked about her emotions upon being declared the mayor, Honorable Patience !Hoaes reflected on a deeply personal experience. “When they announced me as the mayor, it was an […]

Institute for Public Policy Research  Urges Independence for Public Procurement Unit to Boost Oversight


Institute for Public Policy Research Urges Independence for Public Procurement Unit to Boost Oversight

The Institute for Public Policy Research recommends the Public Procurement Unit be independent from the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to improve regulatory oversight. The current structure, where the PPU director reports to the Ministry's executive director, creates a conflict of interest. IPPR suggests elevating the PPU's status to enhance accountability and transparency. Only 32% of public entities have submitted their procurement plans for the 2024/25 financial year, highlighting […]

DA says the presence of contraband undermines the rehabilitation efforts of inmates

South Africa

DA says the presence of contraband undermines the rehabilitation efforts of inmates

In S.A, the DA says the presence of contraband undermines the rehabilitation efforts of inmates and compromises the security of the country’s prisons. Officials from the Department of Correctional Services and the police raided the Johannesburg Correctional Centre, also known as Sun City, on Wednesday night. Drugs, alcohol, knives, cellphones, WiFi routers were some of the items discovered. The DA’s, Janho Engelbrecht, says intensified efforts to conduct similar raids across […]

Indian and Chinese Foreign Ministers meet at sidelines of ASEAN


Indian and Chinese Foreign Ministers meet at sidelines of ASEAN

More details are emerging a day after India's Foreign Minister met his Chinese counterpart at the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Laos. New Delhi reportedly told Beijing that there's an 'urgency' to stabilize ties between the nuclear armed neighbours. Ties between India and China have been tense for more than four years now, after their troops clashed along a disputed frontier in the Himalayan region of Ladakh. Neha Poonia […]


O NAMCOR ya tula pevi Terminal Manager kendiki lyopashigwana lyoku pungula omahooli ko Ombaye,Ellis Egumbo


O NAMCOR ya tula pevi Terminal Manager kendiki lyopashigwana lyoku pungula omahooli ko Ombaye,Ellis Egumbo

Ehangano lyo National petroleum Cooperation of Namibia -NAMCOR olya kutha miilonga o Terminal Manager kendiki lyopashigwana lyoku pungula omahooli ko Ombaye,Ellis Egumbo okutameka ohela. O Namcor tayi endulula eitulemo lyayo oku kalekapo oondondo dhopombanda dhuundikuwetikile wopaipindi nomaihumbato momanwethemo gayo agehe naanipambuliko. Omukuluntu gomakwatathano nomalandithilo mo NAMCOR Paulo Coelho okwa fatulula kutya ekuthomiilonga olyetithwa kekanitho lyo stock-omahooli,nekanitho lyomikanda dhomeholamo dhopaipindi. Notali lalakanene okweenditha omakonakono inaaga piyaganekwa moshikumungu shika. Ta fatulula kutya […]

O NamRA ya gongela oshimaliwa shoodola oomilion 20 okuza momahangano goohi methimbo efupi elela


O NamRA ya gongela oshimaliwa shoodola oomilion 20 okuza momahangano goohi methimbo efupi elela

Oshikondo shoku gongela oompale dhepangelo o Namibia revenue Agency -NAMRA osheshi pondola oku monapo  oodola oomilion 20 okuza komahangano goohi pokati ko 1 May no 19 July nuumvo,okupitila moo summons, nekwatelemo lyoongundu oontitatu,mwa kwatelwa oombanga dhopaipindi ,oku yamukula kwaamboka yeli konima nenge itaayi futu oompale dhepangelo. Omupopilio go Namra Steven Ndorokaze okwati oshikondo shooohi osha kala shili mokati kaamboka yeli pevi elela oku gandja sha moshiketha shepangelo,niifuta  ya futwa aanambelewa kuluntu,niilyo […]

South Africa ohela okuulike o Chief Justice omukiintu gotango.


South Africa ohela okuulike o Chief Justice omukiintu gotango.

Omupresitend Cyril Ramaposa okwa tumbula Mandisa Maya,eli omupevi Chief Justice, onga o Chief Justice omupe goshilongo. Oshikako she otashi tameke mu 01 Sept ,sho taka pingenapo Chief Justice Rayomond Zondo,ngoka tayi moshipundi shevululuko. Omunamimvo 60 Maya okwa longa onga omupresitend go Supreme Court of Appeal,ompangu ontiyali yopombanda moshilongo,. Nokwali omukiintu gotango goshipa oshiluudhe okuulikilwa mompangu yo Supreme Court of Appeal,nomukiintu gotango uulikwa onga o deputy presitend, nomupresitend gompangu ndjoka. Maya […]

Uuministeli womauyelele naanipambuliko ohela okwali yiikundu o National Development Plan (NDP) Six Focus Area Inception


Uuministeli womauyelele naanipambuliko ohela okwali yiikundu o National Development Plan (NDP) Six Focus Area Inception

Uuminiteli womauyelele nomakwatathano gopaungomba, palongelokumwe no National Planning Commission, naanipambuliko ya yooloka oyuungeneke oshigongi sho National Development Plan (NDP) Six Focus Area Inception ohela mo Windhoek. Oshigongi okwali sha lalakanene okwiikunda oshikumungu sho NDP6,oku tothamo iitegelelwa,nokweetapo oospan dhiilonga oku kutha ombinga miiyetwapo yo NDP6 tayi opalele. Omunambelewa kuluntu guuministeli Dr Audrin Mathe okwa dhenge omuthindo onkandangala ya simana yomauyelele nomakwatathano gopaungomba meyambulepo liko nkalathano,noku vula kwayo okweetapo omakandulepo gomukundu gopaungomba […]

Omunambelewa omukulunhu wehangano lo IBA mo Zambia elituwa axulifa.


Omunambelewa omukulunhu wehangano lo IBA mo Zambia elituwa axulifa.

Opolifi ya Zambia oili yahovela nomakonaakono moshiningwanima  shekwatepo mbabjona nedipao la ningilwa omunambelewa omukulunhu ahangwa opo aulikwa mehangano loku tonatela omatumomawi momepo moshilongo osho. Olutu lo munambelewa omukulunhu Guntila Muleya, ole lituwilwe momudingonoko tauhangwa pondje yoshilando pangelo Lusaka metitatu,  lahangwa latya eehoma doshikuti shondjebo. Efyo laye ola hokololwa lahalwifa oshiwana moshilongo,  eshi ina kushiivika kutya ola etififwa koshike naunene eshi oiningwanima yomaludi oo iha di dilikwamo moshilongo shoumbuwanhu wa Africa. […]

Dr Job Amupanda audaneka ongudu yavo taitwikile noku kondjela oshiwana okumona omayakolo.


Dr Job Amupanda audaneka ongudu yavo taitwikile noku kondjela oshiwana okumona omayakolo.

Omukwateli komesho wongudu yo Affirmative Repositioning (AR) Chief, Dr. Job Amupanda, okwati ongudu yavo ota itwikile noku kondjela oshiwana shimone noku longifa oumitwe voshilongo oku valongifa momahoololo. Amupanda edi okwe dipopya onghela pefimbo loshongalele noikundaneki tati oshiwana oshina oshinakuwanifwa shoku lishangifa opo shikadule okuka kufa ombinga momahoololo oupresident noilyo yeumbo lomutumba wopashwiana mu November neudo. Professor Amupanda tapopi noku yandja yoo omafaneko opo ovahoololi moshilongo vakale hava hovele oku hoolola […]



US airlines begin resuming operations after global IT outage

Business / Economics

US airlines begin resuming operations after global IT outage

        Multiple US airlines said they were beginning to resume operations Friday following a major worldwide computer systems outage that grounded or delayed thousands of flights across the country. The IT issue has wrought global havoc at airports, grounding flights in Europe and the United States, while also derailing television broadcasts in the UK and impacting telecommunications in Australia. At Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, Evyn […]

Key stakeholders meet for Cybersecurity Summit

Science & Technology

Key stakeholders meet for Cybersecurity Summit

The fourth Namibia Annual International High-Level Cybersecurity Conference is underway in Windhoek, focusing on "Emerging Cybersecurity Threats." Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Modestus Amutse stressed the critical importance of safeguarding networks and data in an increasingly digital world. The three-day event runs from Wednesday to Friday. The Namibia Press Agency reports that in his keynote address, Amutse said the conference aims to provide a […]

Corruption hurts businesses but digital tools offer the hope of fighting it, say manufacturers in Ghana and Nigeria

Science & Technology

Corruption hurts businesses but digital tools offer the hope of fighting it, say manufacturers in Ghana and Nigeria

Just_Super     By Samuel Adomako, University of Birmingham; Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Durham University; Shlomo Tarba, University of Birmingham, and Zaheer Khan, University of Aberdeen     Technology has changed the way the world does business. Mobile and digital payment platforms, blockchain, cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) tools have all driven innovations in recent years. They allow businesses of all sizes to become more efficient and reach new markets. For […]

Kenya’s digital divide: pastoralists are key to the country’s economy, but they’re being left behind


Kenya’s digital divide: pastoralists are key to the country’s economy, but they’re being left behind

        By Job Mwaura, University of the Witwatersrand     Information and communication technologies (ICTs) hold great potential to expand African economies. They include mobile banking platforms, internet-enabled communication devices and e-government services. All of these can enhance financial inclusion and improve services for citizens. Kenya’s mobile money transfer platform, M-Pesa, for instance, has given millions of people access to banking services. And Rwanda’s e-government platform has […]

Catching online scammers: our model combines data and behavioural science to map the psychological games cybercriminals play


Catching online scammers: our model combines data and behavioural science to map the psychological games cybercriminals play

Modern cybersecurity teams and users must stay vigilant and proactive to outmanoeuvre cybercriminals. treety By Rennie Naidoo, University of the Witwatersrand     When fiction’s most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, needed to solve a crime, he turned to his sharp observational skills and deep understanding of human nature. He used this combination more than once when facing off against his arch-nemesis, Dr James Moriarty, a villain adept at exploiting human […]


High-Level Political Forum focuses on 2030 goals


High-Level Political Forum focuses on 2030 goals

The 2024 High-Level Political Forum is underway in New York, bringing ministers and senior officials together to discuss how to get the world back on track to reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the legal framework that can make that a reality. Justice Nambitha Dambuza, a Judge of Appeal who sits on South Africa’s Supreme Court explains the role judges play in environmental protection.

Brenda Fassie’s 1997 hit song Vulindlela still raises questions about South Africa as a nation


Brenda Fassie’s 1997 hit song Vulindlela still raises questions about South Africa as a nation

          By Mbali Mazibuko, University of Johannesburg   In 1997, South Africa’s most famous music star had a huge hit. Brenda Fassie’s Vulindlela became a national pop anthem, played especially at weddings and celebrations. Vulindlela can be loosely translated from the Zulu language as an instruction to “make way” or, if you like, “clear the path”. The song is about making way for the groom (and […]

Why musicians die in poverty – South African study reveals battle to make ends meet


Why musicians die in poverty – South African study reveals battle to make ends meet

        By Gwen Ansell, University of Pretoria     Benefits and appeals were recently launched to support the medical costs of veteran South African guitarist Madala Kunene. It’s not the first time such initiatives have been necessary, nor the first time that media and politicians have expressed astonishment that a renowned musician “died in poverty”. Musicians’ dire financial circumstances are sometimes wrongly blamed on irresponsible spending; a […]

Hollywood didn’t know exactly what to do with Donald Sutherland – so they did everything with him


Hollywood didn’t know exactly what to do with Donald Sutherland – so they did everything with him

          By Daryl Sparkes, University of Southern Queensland     I don’t think Hollywood knew what to do with Donald Sutherland, who has died at age 88. He was not your classically handsome A-list actor like contemporaries Warren Beatty or Robert Redford, nor was he solely suited to the “tough guy” roles such as Robert De Niro, Al Pacino or Gene Hackman. Instead, his early film […]

Mauritius’ next growth phase: a new plan is needed as the tax haven era fades


Mauritius’ next growth phase: a new plan is needed as the tax haven era fades

      By Pritish Behuria, University of Manchester     Mauritians will head to the polls by November 2024 and politicians are considering the economic direction of the island country. For the last two decades, the country’s economic growth has depended heavily on its offshore sector – the provision of financial services by banks to foreign firms. As an isolated country located in the south-western Indian Ocean, Mauritius has […]


Alert level raised for Philippine volcano after ‘explosive eruption’: volcanology agency

      The alert level for a Philippine volcano was raised Monday after an "explosive eruption" sent a plume of ash, gas and steam five kilometres (three miles) into the sky, the volcanology agency said. Mount Kanlaon on the central island of Negros erupted shortly before 7:00 pm (1100 GMT), prompting warnings for nearby residents to wear facemasks due the threat of volcanic gases and falling ash. "When it […]


South African teens are struggling: Western Cape study shows 33% have symptoms of depression

Health / Medical

South African teens are struggling: Western Cape study shows 33% have symptoms of depression

        By Mirriam Mkhize, University of Cape Town; Claire van der Westhuizen, University of Cape Town, and Katherine Sorsdahl, University of Cape Town     In South Africa, little research has been done on depression and anxiety among younger adolescents, those between the ages of 10 and 14. Existing studies have primarily targeted older adolescents and those living with HIV. The age range of 10- to 14-year-olds […]

One person dies from AIDS-related illness every minute

Health / Medical

One person dies from AIDS-related illness every minute

UNAIDS says the AIDS pandemic can be ended by 2030 if more is done to fund initiatives and protect human rights. In a new report released this week, the organisation says if world leaders stick to their commitments the public health threat can be ended. Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York.   Meanwhile, new HIV infections are rising in three regions, namely the Middle East and […]

UNAIDS says the pandemic can be ended by 2030

Health / Medical

UNAIDS says the pandemic can be ended by 2030

UNAIDS says the AIDS pandemic can be ended by 2030 if more is done to fund initiatives and protect human rights. In a new report released this week, the organisation says if world leaders stick to their commitments the public health threat can be ended. Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York.  

24% of Namibian children under 5 stunted

Health / Medical

24% of Namibian children under 5 stunted

According to the World Food Programme global hunger index, 24 percent of Namibian children under the age of 5 are stunted, and 6 percent are experiencing wasting. Between January and June 2024, over 190,000 (191,353) children were screened for malnutrition, with 10,151 receiving treatment. The Hardap Region reported the highest number of treated cases, with 2,891 children, followed by Ohangwena (1,747), Khomas (967), and Erongo (939). In a report, the WFP said […]

Is your desk job killing your back? Ancient Egyptian scribes had the same aches and pains, say researchers

Health / Medical

Is your desk job killing your back? Ancient Egyptian scribes had the same aches and pains, say researchers

    By Petra Brukner Havelková, National Museum (Národní muzeum) Prague and Veronika Dulíková, Charles University     Thousands of years ago, during a period of Egyptian history known as the Old Kingdom (around 2649–2130 BC), it was rare for people to be able to read and write. From an estimated population of between 1 million and 1.5 million, only about 1% were literate and able to write in hieroglyphics. […]


Urban greening in Africa will help to build climate resilience – planners and governments need to work with nature


Urban greening in Africa will help to build climate resilience – planners and governments need to work with nature

        By Sintayehu W. Dejene, CGIAR System Organization and Razak Kiribou, Haramaya University     Nature-based solutions are actions that use nature to solve environmental problems. Examples in cities would be setting up a wetland near a group of buildings to absorb floodwater, or building permeable pavements. The world’s developed countries have been implementing nature-based solutions since 2015 but Africa has fallen behind. We are part of […]

Sweden seeks to be winemaking’s next frontier


Sweden seeks to be winemaking’s next frontier

      By Camille Bas-Wohlert, with Johannes Ledel and Olivier Feniet in Stockholm   Far north of iconic wine regions like Bordeaux and Tuscany, Sweden is seeing a burgeoning industry of vineyards and a first generation of winemakers trying to carve out a niche. "There are millions of techniques, and I don't have a grandfather or grandmother to ask. So we need to figure it out ourselves," Lena Magnergard, […]

New fish found off Madagascar: remarkable long-nosed skate discovered in the deep ocean


New fish found off Madagascar: remarkable long-nosed skate discovered in the deep ocean

    By Simon Weigmann, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change     The Madagascar Ridge, in the southwestern Indian Ocean, is a remote, elevated area of seabed south of Madagascar. In 2016, my colleagues and I discovered a new cartilaginous fish species in its deep waters; a catshark that we named Bach’s catshark (Bythaelurus bachi) after German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. (In 2017 we discovered another new […]

Lesotho declares food insecurity emergency


Lesotho declares food insecurity emergency

Lesotho's government says people are at risk of extreme hunger in the next eight months. The country's Prime Minister Sam Matekane has declared a national food insecurity disaster spanning eight months from July 2024 to March 2025. The Lesotho Times reports Matekane announced that severe El Niño-induced droughts are causing extreme hunger for at least 700,000 Basotho, a notable rise from the 582,000 affected in the 2022/2023 period. This crisis, […]

World records hottest day amid global heatwave


World records hottest day amid global heatwave

While Namibians endure winter, the world experienced its hottest day, with parts of the Mediterranean facing extreme wildfire risks. Data from the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service shows that Sunday saw the highest average temperature on Earth, exceeding last year's record. Global temperatures have hit or gone beyond a critical climate threshold for 12 months, highlighting the challenge of limiting global warming to below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Meanwhile, the […]

The basic care during the winter lambing and kidding season


The basic care during the winter lambing and kidding season

        By Erastus Ngaruka,Technical Advisor, Livestock & Rangeland   During the winter season, smallstock (goat and sheep) farmers always have a big task at hand of ensuring that the lambing (sheep birth) and kidding (goat birth) season progresses well with fewer or no complications in their kraals to potentially achieve their production targets. Generally, animals’ breeding activities take place during seasons or times most favorable to their […]


Future Media News | Top Stories-July 8th to July12th | #WeekInReview


Future Media News | Top Stories-July 8th to July12th | #WeekInReview       This Week's Future Media News Top Stories: Graham Hopwood calls for the implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act. ECN registers 823,761 voters for the November elections. Michael Amushelelo leaves NEFF and joins LPM, sparking reactions. Floods in South Africa's Western Cape displace thousands. Kenyan protests lead to major government changes. UN predicts the world population will peak in the mid-2080s.

Happy Auala Discusses New Art Piece Inspired by Ancient Japanese Proverb


Happy Auala Discusses New Art Piece Inspired by Ancient Japanese Proverb     Happy Auala speaks to Future Media News about her latest art piece, inspired by an ancient Japanese proverb. She explains that the work serves as a societal reminder to be mindful of what we listen to, the words we speak about others and ourselves, and the content we consume on social media. Auala's art urges viewers to reflect on the impact of their actions and thoughts in […]

Future Media News-Week in Review: June 3-7


Future Media News-Week in Review: June 3-7       OndangwaStateVet suspends services due to a water shortage affecting essential operations. Our Northern Correspondent Maria Namupala speaks with Dr. Johannes Iipinge. ClimateChange continues to challenge the agricultural sector, causing floods, droughts, and pest outbreaks. Erastus Ngaruka from AgriBank discusses the impact on farmers. WorldOceansDay on June 8 highlights the theme "Catalysing Action for Our Oceans and Climate." Minister Derek Klazen emphasizes the need for global awareness. […]

