Uranium One, a Russian state-owned company that specialises in uranium exploration, mining, and processing has started exploration drilling in Leonardville. Aldo Hengari, the Director of Operations at Uranium One says 50 percent of the work is done.
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According to the World Nuclear Association, Namibia has some of the largest uranium-producing mines in the world. These include Uranium One, Husab, and Rössing. In 2022 Kazakhstan produced the largest share of uranium from mines (43% of world supply), followed by Canada (15%) and Namibia (11%).
In 2022, world uranium mine production came to 58,201 metric tons (MT) of U3O8. Kazakhstan was the top-producing country by far at 21,227 MT, followed by Canada at 7,351 MT and Namibia at 5,613 MT.
Together, those three nations accounted for nearly 59 percent of global uranium production, with Kazakhstan alone accounting for more than a third at 36.47 percent. Unsurprisingly, many of the world’s top uranium mines are located in Kazakhstan, Canada, and Namibia.