insert_link Oshiwambo Omuleli wa Namibia Nangolo Mbumba, atwa oshiwana omukumo shi ke li shangife oukalata vo mahoololo. Omu President Nangolo Mbumba okwa twa omukumo ova Namibia aveshe ovo va fika meedula doku ka hoolola va kwa shi lipaleke kutya, ove li shangifa oukalata vape vo ma hoololo opo vaka kufe ombinga mo ma hoololo oo eliko pe xulilo lo mudo neudo. Ocommisi yo mahoololo mo Namibia ECN, okwa tee lelika ika hovela noku ka kwa tela ko mesho omalishangifo oukalata vape vo mahoololo oo taka hovelwa nao oku […] todayMay 30, 2024 21
insert_link Namibia Roads Authority warns Unauthorized Ads could cause accidents The Roads Authority says they have noted the placement of advertisements within proclaimed road reserves without the necessary approvals. In some instances, advertisements are placed on road traffic signs, a practice that may lead to traffic accidents. Roads Authority says that the placement of any advertisements or posters on proclaimed road reserves is prohibited. Hileni Fillemon the Roads Authority spokesperson: todayMay 30, 2024 53
insert_link 1 Oshiwambo Efiku li li ominge ne longifo lo makaya, omo ngula ko Tsumeb. Efiku lili ominge ne longifa lo makaya mounyuni neudo ota li dimbulukilwa ko mudingonoko wa Tsumeb. Efiku olo ta li dimbulukiwa mo ngula metitano lo 31 May, neudo ota li ka di mbulukiwa koshi ye kanghameno olo ta liti, ‘’na kwaa menwe ounona komakaya’’. Elalakano oku popila exulifepo le longifo lo makaya mokati ko vanyasha, opamwe no ilongomwa yo makaya ili yanyika oshiponga . Omukanda oo wapitifwa ke hangano lovanaudo […] todayMay 30, 2024 25 1
insert_link Business / Economics Minister Lucia Iipumbu attends World Intellectual Property Organization diplomatic conference in Geneva The Minister of Industrialisation and Trade attended the World Intellectual Property Organization diplomatic conference in Geneva. Some 1,200 delegates – including government Ministers - observers and other stakeholders from across the globe joined the “Diplomatic Conference,” which capped decades-long negotiations among WIPO member states on the subject. WIPO currently administers 26 treaties, including the foundational documents of the global intellectual property system dating back to the late 19th century. […] todayMay 30, 2024 91
insert_link South Africa South Africans Queue for Landmark Election, ANC Faces Potential Loss of Majority South African voters queued -- many of them for hours -- to cast their ballots yesterday in a landmark general election that has left the ruling ANC fighting to protect its three-decade-long exclusive grip on power. More than 27 million voters are registered for the most uncertain poll since the African National Congress (ANC) led the nation out of apartheid rule, but with voting delayed in many districts, […] todayMay 30, 2024 62
insert_link 2 Oshiwambo Omulumenhu atuwa fiyo omefyo ko lukanda la Donkerhoek mo Rundu Omulumenhu wo mido ina di shiivika okwa xulifa konima eshi atuwa no kufya mo mudingonoko wa Donkerhoek mo Rundu etivali. Oo eli omunambelewa ta kwa fele pa ka fimbo oku kwatela ko mesho opolifi mo shitopolwa sha Kavango Est, omo mwa ningilwa oshiningwanima, Deputy Commissioner Eino Nambahu , okwa ko leka oshiningwanima ko Nampa onghela, tati oshiponga osha holoka lwopo 17h40. Okwati na kufya okwa to ngololwa nedina kutya oye […] todayMay 30, 2024 29 2
insert_link World Pope in first public appearance since apology over homophobic comments The Pope has made his first public appearance since apologizing for using homophobic language. The Vatican issued the rare apology after reports that the Pope used an offensive term for gay people when discussing his opposition to gay men becoming priests. Here's Giles Gibson in Rome. todayMay 30, 2024 26
insert_link Business / Economics Namibians get lion’s share of government tenders The Central Procurement Board of Namibia Chairperson, Amon Ngavetene says the CPBN has awarded 32 tenders to the value of N$8.1 billion, since the 1st of April 2023 of which N$7.1 billion worth of contracts were awarded to Namibian companies. todayMay 30, 2024 45
insert_link 1 Oshiwambo Omavalulo oidjemo yo mahoololo mo South Africa otaa pula komesho. Omahoololo oneudo oo aliko onghela mo S.A, okwa ta lika afimana no inaa monika nale mo ndjokonona yo shilongo eshi ongudu yo mangeli yo ANC ya taa lela eshongo loku kondjifwa oku dja nghene ya ile koshipundi konima yo mido 30 daka dilongela paife. Ota ku lopotwa onghela omikweyo dile dile do vanhu veya oku hoolola da li da di dilikwa poitaashi yoku hoololela ya yooloka moshilongo ashishe. Umwe womo […] todayMay 30, 2024 18 1