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todayJune 11, 2024 14
Bicycles are particularly valued for carrying loads. peeterv/Getty Images, CC BY
By Daniel Frey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
To many people around the world bicycles are a crucial means of transport, especially for carrying loads in rural areas. While their benefits are huge and many organisations are working on making access to bicycles a reality, a range of barriers still prevent them from being more widely available in low-income communities – not least of these being their cost. A team of researchers has produced a new report called Access to Affordable Bicycles in Africa. We asked team leader Daniel Frey about their study and its findings.
Low-income households in low-income countries face transportation service gaps, especially in rural areas. Public transport does not always exist and motorised transport is often unaffordable, forcing people to walk long distances to reach schools, markets, healthcare and other basic services. Bicycles have the potential to fill that gap as a more affordable means of transport.
Studies have shown that bicycle use can result in health, economic and social benefits such as improved gender dynamics. For example, women in a household can be more independent if they can afford their own conveyance, so the low cost of bike ownership can be critical to women’s education and employment. But challenges related to bicycle access and adoption persist, calling for continued research and development.
Our study, funded by USAID, sought to understand the background, current state and opportunities for bicycles to benefit underserved communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
The choice of Ghana and Malawi for our study was based on a set of criteria including, but not limited to, bicycle ownership rates, geography, and capacity of local research partners. It is fair to say that the decision was at least partly determined by the fact that the Village Bicycle Project was already active in Ghana. We relied strongly on the efforts of partners at the University of Malawi and the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. Ghana and Malawi provide some insight into differences in a number of dimensions – between west and east Africa, between nations with a coastline and landlocked nations, between relatively flat terrain and hilly areas.
Two overarching research questions guided the study:
The study consisted of three phases over a two-year period from 2020 to 2022. An initial scoping phase included a literature review and key informant interviews. Phase one consisted of 182 interviews with bicycle users, non-users and other stakeholders – 95 in Ghana and 87 in Malawi.
Phase two included data collection through surveys, observation and in-depth interviews with bicycle-owning households. Data were also collected through sensors attached to bicycles. A sensor set and data loggers were developed by an MIT team. As described in his PhD thesis, MIT scholar Amit Gandhi helped to develop a compact, battery-powered suite of sensors that electronically measured distance and time travelled. Wheel rotations and trip durations were measured with a precision real-time clock.
These are the key findings:
I see this research as a first step in a longer-term effort to improve mobility and equity. Bicycles have, for over a century, provided remarkable advantages over walking – increasing the range and efficiency of travel.
But there is an extremely wide range in level of bicycle adoption by different countries. There must be some barriers particular to specific regions and/or cultures that at least partly account for observed differences.
This study adds to our emerging understanding of the ways that appropriate technologies are developed and adopted, or else how they may fail to be widely used.
If we discover that some places have terrain that causes certain mechanical failures, we can re-design bicycle components to be more resilient. If learning to ride is a barrier, then training programmes may help.
This study revealed that a desire to own a motorised vehicle is a barrier to wider use of bicycles. That might deserve some focused attention. Electric power assisted conveyances (such as e-bikes and scooters) have improved a great deal recently. Nevertheless, electric bikes are currently much more expensive than traditional, human-powered bikes, so this continues to present a challenge.
This study has provided several avenues that appear to me as highly promising for work on engineering paired with social science in the interest of environmentally responsible economic development.
The full team of researchers who produced the report is Dan Frey, Megha Hegde, Maggie Hsu, Gwyn Jones, Kendra Leith, Robyn Richmond, Jonars Spielberg and Dan Sweeney
Daniel Frey, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Access Barriers bicycles cost Gender Dynamics Ghana household dynamics load-carrying low-income communities Malawi Research rural areas sensor data study transportation Village Bicycle Project
todayDecember 20, 2024 2