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Interview Transcripts

INTERVIEW: Nrupesh Soni: Digital Media Expert on TikTok Raises Concerns Over Privacy

todayJune 24, 2024 12

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Renowned digital media expert Nrupesh Soni has recently expressed significant concerns about TikTok’s data privacy practices. In a detailed discussion, Soni highlighted the extensive data collection conducted by the popular social media platform and the potential risks associated with its usage.
“It’s quite well known that TikTok reveals your private information and collects a lot more data than needed for a social media network,” Soni stated. He emphasized that this excessive data collection has led to the platform being banned in several countries. For instance, India banned TikTok in 2019, and even Hong Kong, a part of China, has prohibited its use. “If TikTok is not allowed in Hong Kong, there’s definitely a leak of confidential information or just a distrust because all the information on TikTok does go back to China as the servers are there, and that is a concern,” he added.
Soni elaborated on the types of data TikTok collects, including not just location and device information, but also user habits, app usage, gaming habits, and even contact details from users’ phone books. He noted that in the United States, there have been instances where TikTok has utilized this information for campaigns that may not benefit the user but serve other purposes for the platform.
While acknowledging that other social media networks also raise privacy concerns, Soni pointed out that these platforms are often based in countries with legal systems that provide avenues for recourse. In contrast, he argued that with TikTok, “there’s no way to contact them; there’s no way you can actually stop them from taking that information and misusing it, and that there is a concern.”
Soni urged users to be vigilant about the apps they install and the permissions they grant. “You’ll be surprised how a lot of these apps get a lot more information than you would think it requires,” he warned. He advised that users should be cautious about the information they share and post online, with a particular emphasis on the risks associated with TikTok.
In conclusion, Nrupesh Soni’s insights shed light on the pressing need for greater awareness and scrutiny regarding digital privacy, especially in relation to social media apps like TikTok. His expertise underscores the importance of informed app usage in an increasingly connected world.

Written by: Leonard Witbeen

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