The CEO of the Cancer Association of Namibia, Rolf Hansen, is attending the 74th Session of the World Health Organisation Regional Committee for Africa in Congo Brazzaville. Hansen highlighted the urgent cancer crisis in the region, noting that over 900,000 new cancer cases and 586,000 cancer deaths occur annually in Africa.
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In response, the UICC community has welcomed the proposed framework as a crucial step forward. To maximize its impact, they urge member states to establish national cancer control programmes and integrate essential cancer services into universal health coverage (UHC) packages.
The UICC also recommends including critical cancer medications, vaccines, and technologies, including pain management drugs, in national lists. Strengthening regulatory and supply chain systems through international programs is vital. Furthermore, they advocate for participation in regional and global efforts to enhance medicine price transparency, scale up pooled procurement, and align intellectual property laws with TRIPS flexibilities to improve access to necessary treatments.