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APO International

South Sudan: South Korean peacekeeping engineers improve access to essential services by rehabilitating Bor-Pibor-Akobo road

todayJanuary 16, 2025 8

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United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)

Roads are essential for ensuring safe movement of communities, promoting trade and enhancing economic growth as well as enabling people to connect for peacebuilding. In the Jonglei region, the main route between Bor-Pibor-Akobo is a lifeline for residents, as it also enables the efficient transportation of food and other necessities, humanitarian aid, and medical supplies for communities in need.

The arrival of the dry season has enabled peacekeeping engineers from South Korea, serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), to start vital repairs on the 35-kilometre road as well as the airstrip in Pibor. The initiative is part of an overall mission-wide road rehabilitation plan for 2025.

“This project will particularly improve conditions in Jonglei and greater Pibor from an economic standpoint,” said Gola Boyoi Gola, Pibor Chief Administrator.

The Bor County Chief Executive, Malak Ayuen agrees that it will benefit the greater economy as well as improve opportunities for access to livelihoods. He urged communities to support the peacekeeper’s efforts and avoid any action, including violence, that could hinder their work.

Residents of Anyidi, Gumuruk, and Likuangole are confident that the new road will enhance security and restore stability in an area where criminal activities, such as cattle raiding and the abduction of children and women, along with road ambushes, have occurred.

UNMISS Head of the Bor Field Office, Geetha Pious, stressed the mission’s commitment to supporting the state governments in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) in achieving lasting peace and development, indicating assistance may be extended to the construction of football fields in Gumuruk and Likuangole.

In addition to road repairs, the engineers will also improve drainage system to prevent water accumulating behind newly constructed dikes during the flood-prone rainy season. The peacekeepers are also building strong relationships with local communities outside of their official duties by providing veterinary medications and sports equipment.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).


Written by: Staff Writer

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