insert_link Africa Beyond images of war: Sammy Baloji’s work captures DR Congo’s vibrant arts and culture, challenging western views By Pierre-Philippe Fraiture, University of Warwick The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is all too often associated with violent conflict, at the expense of its positive aspects. Reports on this huge country, the second largest in Africa after Algeria, and nearly twice the size of South Africa, tend to overlook its intellectual and artistic vibrancy. My research has focused on this part of the continent. This […] todayApril 16, 2024 10
insert_link Africa My parents are from two different African countries: study shows how this shapes identity More than a third of migration in sub-Saharan Africa happens within the continent. This mixing of people means that some children have parents of different national origins. Yet not enough is known about the lives of these children: how they form their identity and what impact migration has on them. The majority of research on second generation African immigrants focuses on understanding their experiences in the global north. Our research […] todayMarch 3, 2024 18
insert_link Africa Africa’s Fashion Sector Primed for Global Leadership By Bonface Orucho via BirdAfricaNoFilter Africa’s young, innovative, and growing population, a rising middle class, rapid urbanization, and increased government support are some of the factors fueling the African fashion sector, according to a new UNESCO report. The report, 'The Fashion Sector in Africa: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Growth,' unveiled on October 26 during the 13th edition of the Lagos Fashion Week, shows that “the continent holds all the cards […] todayNovember 2, 2023 17