insert_link Namibia Bience Gawa-!nas Highlights Namibia’s Global Role at Doha Forum Bience Gawa-!nas, the Vice Chair of the Global Fund, discussed her involvement at the Doha Forum, where she represented Namibia on the global stage. Gawanas emphasized the significant role Namibia plays in receiving Global Fund grants to combat AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and to strengthen health systems: todayDecember 11, 2024 20
insert_link 2 Oshiwambo Namibia oteshi enditha nawa moku kondjitha noku shonopeka omaso go HIV-AIDS Namibia momumvo gwa piti okwa lopota omaso giimanga ko AIDS geli 3 659 ,naakiintu yeli 2 116 naalumentu yeli 1 534 yeli mokati kiihakanwa. Nonando omwaalu gomaso tagu ende tagu shuna pevi,ondjele yoku kondjitha ombuto onkee tayi ende kashona. Ominster onkulu yuuhaku DR Bernard Haufiku nokuli ondohotola paithano,okwati nuumvo oshilongo osha lopota omaso gaantu ya thika 6 000 ya hulitha kuuvu wiimanga ko AIDS,tati omwaalu ngoka onkee guli pombanda,nokwiindiile opo […] todayDecember 3, 2024 12 2
insert_link Oshiwambo Esiku lyo AIDS muuyuni moshilongo otali ka tyapulwa mo 13 December Etyapulo lyesiku lyo AIDS muuyuni olyundulilwa komeho,shiikwatelela komunambelewa omukuluntu guuministeli wuuhaku nena. Edhimbuluko lyesiku,kwali liliko mu 6 December ko Rundu otali ka ningwa ngaashingeyi mo 13 December. Ben Nangombe tati etyapulo olyuundulilwa komeho omolwa omashongo inaaga tegelelwa. todayDecember 3, 2024 12
insert_link 3 4 Oshiwambo Namibia ohela okwa wayimine uuyuni auhe okutyapula esiku lyo AIDS muuyuni Namibia okwaadha epondolo lyoku kondjitha o HIV-AIDS noo % 95,% 95,% 95,nokwa tula oyendji kepango lyo HIV/AIDS. Omundohotola guunamiti Dr Bernard Haufiku okwati kapena we oshinima shimwe hashi panga o HIV/AIDS shaaheshi omiti dho HIV/AIDS todayDecember 2, 2024 12 4 3
insert_link Africa Africa leads in reducing new HIV infections – report By Bonface Orucho, bird story agency Africa's prevention measures in the fight against new HIV infections are paying off, according to a new report by UN AIDS. The report, "The Urgency of Now: AIDS at a Crossroads," unveiled on July 22 at the 25th International AIDS Conference in Munich, highlights that sub-Saharan Africa has achieved the steepest reduction in HIV cases compared to 2010. “Four […] todayJuly 29, 2024 42
insert_link Health / Medical UNAIDS says the pandemic can be ended by 2030 UNAIDS says the AIDS pandemic can be ended by 2030 if more is done to fund initiatives and protect human rights. In a new report released this week, the organisation says if world leaders stick to their commitments the public health threat can be ended. Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York. todayJuly 24, 2024 53
insert_link Health / Medical Namibia on Track to End AIDS by 2030, Says Health Minister Health and Social Services minister, Kalumbi Shangula, stated that if the current rate of acquired immune deficiency syndrome progression continues, ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is achievable. He reported a significant decrease in HIV-AIDS-related deaths in Namibia.Shangula emphasized that Namibia has made significant strides in controlling AIDS, with more than 90% of those on antiretroviral treatment showing a suppressed viral load. He expressed optimism that if […] todayJuly 18, 2024 48
insert_link Health / Medical On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for protecting women’s rights to protect their health Ahead of International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March, UNAIDS is calling for the protection of women’s rights to protect their health. The world is way off track to meet the gender, equality and HIV targets that are part of the Sustainable Development Goals. At the current rate of progress, it will take an estimated 300 years to end child marriage, 140 years for women to be represented equally in […] todayMarch 6, 2024 25
insert_link Health / Medical On the 10th anniversary of Zero Discrimination Day UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights as a path to protecting health for all Zero Discrimination Day was established by UNAIDS ten years ago to advance equality and fairness for everyone regardless of gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity or HIV status. However, progress is in peril. Attacks on the rights of women and girls, of LGBTQ+ people, and of other marginalized communities are on the rise. And when laws, policies, practices or norms enshrine punishment, discrimination or stigma for people because they are women, or are LGBTQ+, or […] todayFebruary 27, 2024 53