insert_link World Search for dozens feared missing after deadly migrant shipwrecks off Italy By Gael BRANCHEREAU, Ella IDE The Italian coastguard searched off southern Italy Monday for survivors or the bodies of dozens of migrants feared missing, after two shipwrecks left 11 people dead. With up to 60 migrants potentially lost at sea, the coastguard said it has been looking for "possible missing persons" since late Sunday, "following the shipwreck of a sailing boat with migrants on board, presumably departing […] todayJune 17, 2024 24
insert_link Oshiwambo Amalelo aKenya ahovela noku yandja oipongolo koovene Omalelo oshilongo Kenya nena okwa lopota amangulula oipongolo yomalutu oonakuningwa oshihakanwa ova kwaneongalo ovo vafile omolwo ndjala , oku dja nghene veli tuwilwe vafudikwa momalambo eli momufitu omudo wadileko, oshiningwanima aasho sha ta lika sha halwifa ounyuni. Oshikundaneki sho AFP osha lopota kutya oipongolo oya pewa ovapambele vavo nena, konima yeemwedi ya kala tainingilwa omakonaakono oku itongololifa. Oshiningwanima osha holokele konima yomalutu omafele, mwakwatelwa ounona vashona ahangelwe afudikwa mo malambo […] todayMarch 26, 2024 25