insert_link Africa UN urges Central Africa to protect human rights in prison The United Nations has called on authorities in the Central African Republic to guarantee human rights in prisons, where torture and malnutrition are common, said a report published Thursday. Thousands of prisoners are currently being held in overcrowded places of detention across the country, with limited access to food, water, sanitation and basic healthcare, said the report. Some had been in pre-trial detention for nearly six years, the […] todayJuly 18, 2024 23
insert_link Africa Rwanda’s military support to other countries is part of a strategy to boost its reputation By Federico Donelli, University of Trieste Rwanda is one of Africa’s geographically smallest countries. However, its foreign policy, whose hallmark is military diplomacy, has attracted international attention. Military diplomacy refers to activities carried out by representatives of a country’s security apparatus to pursue its foreign policy interests. These activities include the use of armed forces in combat and non-combat operations. Powerful countries such as […] todayJune 25, 2024 24
insert_link Africa Displaced by violent conflict: the world’s most neglected crises are in Africa – six essential reads By Kagure Gacheche, The Conversation The Norwegian Refugee Council recently released a report highlighting the 10 most neglected displacement crises in the world in 2023. Nine of the 10 countries are in Africa – the only non-African country on the list is Honduras in central America. Neglect, according to the council, is characterised by a lack of media coverage, inadequate humanitarian funding and insufficient […] todayJune 10, 2024 8