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Visual artist Bambo Sibiya celebrates everyday women in “Ngemva Kokuqubuka – After Precarity

      By Phendu Kuta, bird story agency     Inspired by his single mother, who raised three children while working as a domestic worker, visual artist Bambo Sibiya has framed her as a superhero for his solo exhibition, “Ngemva Kokuqubuka – After Precarity.” Sibiya’s exhibition, currently showing at Circa Gallery in Johannesburg from June 1 to July 27, is an ode to the beauty, dignity, and strength of […]

todayJune 18, 2024 24


Fencing offers teens hope in impoverished Nairobi slum

        By Rose TROUP BUCHANAN   Along the muddy tracks of a sprawling slum in Kenya's capital Nairobi, scores of teenagers learn how to fence each weekend under Mburu Wanyoike, whose initiative offers hope in a place bedevilled by crime and lack of opportunity. Several hundred thousand people live in closely packed poverty in Mathare, many born there like 27-year-old Wanyoike, who a decade ago was on […]

todayJune 10, 2024 4


Aakwashigwa yiimanga kumwe mokutungapo okapangelo keli pamuthika

Aakalimo momikunda dha dhingoloka osenda ya Ambunda moshikandjohogololo Onayena, oya imanga kumwe nokugongela oshimaliwa ya vule ya thikamithepo etungo lyopamuthika, moka aapangi taya vulu oku kala haya gandja omayakulo pwaahena omakuyunguto. Moonkundathana na Amushanga gwetungo Salom Namupala okwati oyena eshongo enene yokwaahena ehala lyomayakulilo lya andjuka no lili pamuthika. Nomolwaasho oshigwana osha tokola shi image kumwe opo ya kwashilipaleke kutya oya tungapo okapangelo kopamuthika, taka vulu oku yakula oshigwana. Namupala […]

todayApril 17, 2024 30 1 2


Aayiyambi mendiki lyaOluno ya tumbalekwa

OnOmukuluntu gomandiki gezulonkalo moshilongo Raphael Hamunyela okwati okomitiye yaakwashigwana mboka taya longo paiyambo oku kwathela endiki lyaOluno otayi longo nuudhiginini.   Okwa popi ndhoka Etiyali Pethimbo a talelepo endiki noku gandja olupandu kokomitiye ndjoka. Hamunyela okwa yelitha kutya okomitiye ndhoka odha tulwa miilonga mo 2019, nenenedhiladhilo lyokugandja omayele nomathaneko taga tungu. Ta tseyitha kutya omumvo gwa ziko oyali ya kongo omakwatho noku kwatha mboka yeli mondjedhililo. Hamunyela ta tsikile tati […]

todayApril 16, 2024 8 2


Oshiwana melelo lomufyuululwakalo laNdonga tashi tuwa omukumo shifule eendungu noi tenemba yomeva..

Omupopiliko welelo lomufyuululwakalo la Ndonga Enkali Frans,   okwa pula noku twa omukumo oshiwana shifule eendungu oshoyo oitenemba oyo tai dulu oku kwa fela oku ya moshipala omumbwe yomeva pefimbo lo kwenye. Frans edi okwe dipopya pefimbo leenghundafana odo ali mudo no Nampa metine, tati elelo i na li mona omayambidido oshimaliwa oku dja kepangelo opo li dule oku tunga eembola domeva,  no molwaasho tatu omukumo oshiwana shilafulule omifima neendungu […]

todayApril 15, 2024 13


The Nedbank Namibian Newspaper Cup: Holds a critical role in youth sports development.

      With less than three weeks to go before the 22nd edition of the Nedbank Namibian Newspaper Cup which will be held in Gobabis from 29 March – 2 April, sportsmen and women who have taken part in the games previously say that the competition is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young and upcoming athletes. Nedbank Namibia is returning as headline sponsor of the tournament. The youth sport competition […]

todayMarch 14, 2024 6


What are Sabaki languages? How people formed ethnic groups along the coast of east Africa

    By Daren Ray, Brigham Young University     A new book called Ethnicity, Identity and Conceptualizing Community in Indian Ocean East Africa tracks the history of the coastal communities of east Africa and how the Sabaki family of Bantu languages was formed, shaped in part by the sea and the arrival of visitors from other shores and within the continent. We asked historian Daren Ray to tell us […]

todayFebruary 20, 2024 11


Transforming Lives through Safe Water Transportation in Otjiwarongo: The Hippo Roller Initiative

Ignatius Davids, a prominent figure in Otjiwarongo, has spearheaded a transformative project that is altering lives in informal settlements. Aimed at resolving the significant challenge of safe and effortless water transportation, the Hippo Roller Initiative is revolutionizing the daily lives of communities in Otjiwarongo. In informal settlements across Otjiwarongo, alongside the issue of electricity, the arduous task of transporting water from communal taps has been a persistent struggle. The conventional […]

todayJanuary 8, 2024 80


Wernhil wishlist 2023: fulfilling dreams for little Jadyn Beukes

  As the festive season approaches and the magic of Christmas fills the air, Wernhil, managed by Broll Namibia - a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group - is thrilled to announce the continuation of its cherished annual tradition: the Wernhil Christmas Wish List Campaign. “It is a tradition that is deeply grounded in the O&L Persona of being authentic, passionate and caring. This heartwarming initiative has been […]

todayDecember 20, 2023 11 1
