insert_link Africa Sexual violence in South Africa: women share their stories about the dangers of commuting on minibus taxis Commuters getting into a minibus taxi in Johannesburg. Rich T Photo By Jarred H Martin, University of Pretoria Millions of people use minibus taxis to get around South Africa every day. These “pillars of public transport” (which are privately owned and run rather than operated by the state) account for 66.5% of all public transport on the country’s roads. The vast majority of minibus taxi commuters come from […] todaySeptember 9, 2024 16
insert_link Africa E-bikes could cut smog, energy use and congestion globally — but will they? By Charles Pekow Can simply adding an electric motor to a human-powered bicycle significantly reduce urban smog, traffic congestion and energy consumption — and even help curb climate change? Yes, but many bumps in the road must be overcome to get there. Today’s electric bicycles come in a range of two-wheeled e-bikes and three-wheeled e-trikes, varieties to meet consumer and business needs, with many millions already sold. The […] todayApril 2, 2024 11