insert_link South Africa South Africa: coalition government won’t fix past failures – expect the private sector to play a bigger role in delivering power, transport and security By Lawrence Hamilton, University of the Witwatersrand To help save the planet, governments across the globe are choosing to adopt sustainable policies and encourage (or coerce) the private sector to do likewise. Given the climate crisis, most responsible governments are focusing on finding every possible means to meet existing needs without sacrificing the planet to meet the needs of future generations. In South Africa things […] todayJune 4, 2024 24
insert_link Environment Can ‘degrowth’ solve our ecological, social & economic problems? Two people biking in Amsterdam, a city well known for its cycling culture. Image by Sabina Fratila (@momhasapples) via Unsplash. By Mike DiGirolamo, Rachel Donald via Mongabay Research published in the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications finds that just in the United States, trillions of dollars are wasted on things that do not improve the quality of life for Americans. Podcast guest Timothée Parrique, an economist and researcher at the Lund University School of […] todayJanuary 31, 2024 25