insert_link Health / Medical Eating quickly saves time, but it takes a toll on your health – here’s how Simona pilolla 2 / Shutterstock By Esther Martínez Miguel, Universidad Nebrija and Silvia Gómez Senent, Universidad Nebrija Our fast-paced modern lives often rob us of time for basic activities like eating. Many of us grab something quick for breakfast on the way out of the house, or wolf down our lunch so we can gain a sliver more time to be productive at work, or to dedicate to our […] todayAugust 7, 2024 17
insert_link Africa Elephants use the tips of their trunks to grasp things with great precision – how this can help robotic design By Pauline Costes, Sorbonne Université An elephant uses its trunk for eating, drinking water, communicating, exploring the environment, social behaviour, and making and using tools. The trunk, which contains six muscle groups, is not only very strong – it can uproot a tree – but can be used with great precision. Elephants use a number of techniques to grasp objects, including suction, pinching […] todayJune 21, 2024 41
insert_link Health / Medical Our sense of taste helps pace our eating – understanding how may lead to new avenues for weight loss A team of scientists uncovers a logic the brainstem uses to control how fast and how much we eat. Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images Zachary Knight, University of California, San Francisco As a scientist who investigates hunger and weight control, I’m interested in the way our brains let us know we’ve had enough. As we begin to feel full, we slow down how quickly we eat. For decades, scientists have thought that […] todayJanuary 29, 2024 12