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19 Results / Page 1 of 3



TikTok in Kenya: the government wants to restrict it, but my study shows it can be useful and empowering

    By Stephen Mutie, Kenyatta University   Every day, 750 million people around the world engage with Tiktok – the short-video sharing app. Kenyans are among its top users. According to a Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2023, 54% of Kenyans sampled used TikTok for general purposes, the highest proportion among the countries in the survey. They also use TikTok to express themselves and connect with others. The app, […]

todayMay 17, 2024 12

South Africa

South Africa’s Electoral Commission Calls for Swift Police Probe into Alleged Fraud by MK Party

South Africa's Electoral Commission has urged the police to promptly investigate allegations that the MK Party submitted fraudulent signatures to meet candidate nomination criteria. Over the weekend, reports surfaced stating that a former senior member accused the party of widespread signature forgery to meet requirements for the forthcoming national elections. A criminal complaint has been lodged with law enforcement. The IEC emphasizes the urgency of a thorough investigation to ensure […]

todayApril 30, 2024 4


President Mbumba Open to Testifying in Fishrot Trial if Court Requests

President Nangolo Mbumba stated that he would be willing to testify in the Fishrot fraud and corruption trial if summoned by the court. His response came during a parliamentary session when Popular Democratic Movement leader McHenry Venaani inquired whether Mbumba, as a former Swapo secretary general, would be willing to provide testimony in the trial.

todayMarch 15, 2024 1


Guarding Against Bank Fraud: Bank Windhoek Forensics Manager Exposes Top Threats

Bank Windhoek's Forensics Services Manager, Johnny Truter, highlights prevalent bank fraud tactics to boost public awareness. These include Account Takeover, where fraudsters use phishing to gain control of online accounts, and Social Engineering, exploiting emotions to extract sensitive information. Call center fraud involves deceiving representatives, while Credit Card fraud exploits stolen information for online purchases. Electronic Funds Transfer fraud relies on scammers posing as trusted entities for urgent transfers. He […]

todayFebruary 28, 2024 10

Business / Economics

Know the most common types of bank frauds

By Bank Windhoek’s Forensics Services Manager, Johnny Truter. International law states that any illegal act involving deception to obtain money from a financial institution or a bank's depositors is categorised as bank fraud. Like other fraud offences, bank fraud involves using a trick to obtain money illegally. Nowadays, fraudsters are continuously coming up with different ways to steal people’s hard-earned money. The following looks at the most common trends used […]

todayFebruary 27, 2024 14


Judge orders Trump to pay $355 million for lying about his wealth in staggering civil fraud ruling

A New York judge ordered Donald Trump on Friday to pay $355 million (€329.4 million) in penalties, finding that the former US president lied about his wealth for years in a sweeping civil fraud verdict that pierces his billionaire image but stops short of putting his real estate empire out of business. Judge Arthur Engoron’s decision after a trial in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit punishes Trump, his […]

todayFebruary 21, 2024 9
