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33 Results / Page 4 of 4


Opinion Pieces

South Africa’s Legal Quest at the World Court Could Further Banish Israel

Early into the Israel-Hamas war: a burst water pipe amid the annihilation of Gaza, Oct. 10, 2023. South Africa has filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice alleging that Israel is intentionally committing genocide in Gaza. The bar is high to prove it, experts say. MOHAMMED BABA/MSF By Damilola Banjo via PassBlue The Genocide Convention was codified in 1948 in response to the atrocities committed against Jewish people and others […]

todayJanuary 11, 2024 3

Opinion Pieces

South Africa is taking Israel to court for genocide in Palestine. What does it mean for the war in Gaza?

  By Donald Rothwell, Australian National University South Africa has taken Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, also known as the World Court) in The Hague claiming genocide has been committed against Palestinians during the Gaza conflict. A charge of genocide before the court in the midst of a heated armed conflict is exceptional. Likewise, the significance of South Africa’s claim against Israel has immense cultural, diplomatic, historical, […]

todayJanuary 11, 2024 3


International Court of Justice to hear South Africa’s plea against Gaza ‘massacre’

The International Court of Justice will begin arguments on South Africa's bid to stop what it calls the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. South Africa’s International Relations Director General, Zane Dangor told Newzroom Africa that institutionalised impunity has allowed a ‘textbook genocide to unfold in Gaza.’Separately, Al Jazeera reports that the United Nations’ humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths says Gaza has become a place of “death and despair” for Palestinians as […]

todayJanuary 8, 2024 4


Henry Kissinger’s bombing campaign likely killed hundreds of thousands of Cambodians − and set path for the ravages of the Khmer Rouge

The aftermath of U.S. bombs in Neak Luong, Cambodia, on Aug. 7, 1973. AP Photo Sophal Ear, Arizona State University Henry Kissinger, who died on Nov. 29, 2023 at the age of 100, stood as a colossus of U.S. foreign policy. His influence on American politics lasted long beyond his eight-year stint guiding the Nixon and Ford administrations as national security adviser and secretary of state, with successive presidents, presidential […]

todayNovember 30, 2023 5

World Food


The World Food Program’s Boss Faces Backlash for Attending an Event Honoring Israel

By Anastasiia Carrier, via PassBlue A new letter circulating among World Food Program employees is questioning the ethics of Cindy McCain, the program’s executive director, after she attended a forum honoring the people of Israel recently. The letter reflects the intensifying controversies hitting the United Nations over the Israel Defense Forces’ disproportionate bombardment of the Palestinian enclave of Gaza in response to Hamas’s massacre of Oct. 7. The controversies include the IDF’s […]

todayNovember 22, 2023 4

Maji-Maji uprising

Opinion Pieces

300,000 Tanzanians were killed by Germany during the Maji-Maji uprising – it was genocide and should be called that

Klaus Bachmann, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities and Gerhard Kemp, University of the West of England Political actors in Tanzania have in recent years demanded compensation from Germany for colonial atrocities committed in the early 20th century. In early 2017, the National Assembly of Tanzania stopped short of putting the label of genocide on the atrocities committed by German troops during the Maji-Maji uprising (1905–1907). During a visit […]

todayNovember 20, 2023 4
