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16 Results / Page 2 of 2


Health / Medical

On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for protecting women’s rights to protect their health

Ahead of International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March, UNAIDS is calling for the protection of women’s rights to protect their health. The world is way off track to meet the gender, equality and HIV targets that are part of the Sustainable Development Goals. At the current rate of progress, it will take an estimated 300 years to end child marriage, 140 years for women to be represented equally in […]

todayMarch 6, 2024 15

Health / Medical

Surge in Syphilis Cases Leads Some Providers to Ration Penicillin

Vials of injectable penicillin in cold storage at the Metro Public Health Department in Nashville, Tennessee. Injectable penicillin is the go-to treatment for syphilis and the only treatment considered safe for pregnant people with the disease. In mid-2023, the health department began rationing the injectable to just pregnant women because of a nationwide antibiotic shortage. Patients who test positive for syphilis and are not pregnant are given an oral antibiotic […]

todayFebruary 2, 2024 8


Eenghendabala domalolelo oku hovela netunilo loudu wombuto yoHIV dakalekwa.

Eenghendabala doku hovela nokutunila oudu wombuto yo HIV  okudja moUganda, na South Africa okwa lopotwa dakalekwa manga konima eshi omapekaapeko opetameko oo aningwapo aulika kutya omukalo kauli dingi mokwaamena etandavelo lomukifi. Oshikundaneki sho SABC news osha lopota kutya onghundana yokuyele inasha netunilo loudu wombuto yo HIV oya eta elineekelo liwa mokumona omuti wokutunila oudu wombuto oyo yatwaalela eemwenyo dovanhu mounyuni vakonda pee million 40, ovo vahapu vomuvo vadja moilyo longo […]

todayDecember 8, 2023 181 56 51

South Africa

South Africans are living longer, mostly thanks to HIV treatment

By Daniel Steyn and Nathan Geffen via GroundUp President Nelson Mandela in 2002 wore the Treatment Action Campaign’s iconic HIV-positive T-shirt to try to convince President Thabo Mbeki’s administration to provide antiretroviral treatment in the public sector. Photo: Brenton Geach (copyright reserved) South Africa has some state-run systems that are working well. One of these is the HIV treatment programme. We quite possibly have the largest public sector chronic medicine programme for a […]

todayDecember 1, 2023 7

Health / Medical

‘Let Communities Lead’ on World Aids Day 2023

Despite efforts to eliminate AIDS by 2030, marked by World AIDS Day on 1 December 2023 under the theme "Let Communities Lead," UNAIDS has stressed that the task is incomplete with its new report suggesting that achieving the ambitious goal is still possible with full support for frontline communities. The Deputy Executive Director for the UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Angeli Achrekar, says that so far, the “job isn't done.” […]

todayNovember 30, 2023 15

South Africa

City of Cape Town says its Health Department has been at the forefront of implementing new HIV and TB policies

The City of Cape Town says its Health Department has been at the forefront of implementing new HIV and TB policies and guidelines rolled out by the national department. The city’s HIV programme has expanded to include prevention strategies like Post Exposure Prophylaxis and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. Mayoral committee member for Community Services and Health, Patricia van der Ross, says between April last year and October this year, 47-thousand-773 clients have […]

todayNovember 30, 2023 10

Health / Medical

Ahead of World AIDS Day UNAIDS is calling for urgent support to Let Communities Lead in the fight to end AIDS

As World AIDS Day (1 December) approaches, UNAIDS is urging governments across the world to unleash the power of grassroots communities across the world to lead the fight to end AIDS. A new report launched today by UNAIDS, Let Communities Lead, shows that AIDS can be ended as a public health threat by 2030, but only if communities on the frontlines get the full support they need from governments and donors. […]

todayNovember 28, 2023 7
