insert_link Opinion Pieces Artificial Intelligence powered attacks By Ms. Cornelia Shipindo, Manager: Cyber Security, Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology advances, Namibia stands at the threshold of unprecedented opportunities to reshape industries and elevate the quality of life for its citizens. From expanding productivity in agriculture and manufacturing to revolutionising healthcare delivery and transportation systems, the potential applications of AI appear boundless. However, amidst this wave of excitement […] todayMay 14, 2024 24
Oshiwambo Omu President Nangolo Mbumba okwati oikondo yoikwanghono ota idulu oku hangififa omafikilo emanguluko lo paliko.. Omu President Nangolo Mbumba okwati oikondo yoikwanghono oyo kuniwe omafaneko ika kufe ombinga momudingonoko wodoropa ya Lüderitz ota ika kwafela oku hanga efikilo lemangululuko lopaliko moshilongo. Omudingonoko wa Lüderitz ota kulopotwa wa monikile tete ouyamba wokawe mo 1908, no konima owa ka longifwa onga oshikondo shouyamba weeshi konima yemanguluko loshilongo. Omupresidet Mbumba oo ali tapopi moshongalele pamwe nova kufimbinga molomakaya komudingonoko wodoropa yomukunghulofuta okwati , oshilongo ita shi dulu oku kala shina […] todayApril 8, 2024 20
insert_link Business / Economics Namibia’s economy slows but tertiary sectors improve Namibia’s domestic economy slowed to record a growth of 4.2% in 2023, relative to a growth of 5.3% recorded in 2022, according to national accounts figures released by the Namibia Statistics Agency on Tuesday. The Primary and Secondary industries registered growth rates of 9.7% and 2%, respectively, compared to growth rates of 13.7% and 3.4% in the previous year. According to NSA data, the tertiary industries posted an increase of […] todayMarch 27, 2024 43
insert_link Business / Economics Financial Resilience: Strategies for Navigating Economic Uncertainty in the New Year By Jo-Ann van Wyk, Client Relationship Consultant, Old Mutual Investment Group, Old Mutual Namibia Stepping into a new year requires more than normal financial planning in the ever-changing landscape of economic challenges. Financial resilience is a systematic strategy to navigating unpredictable market dynamics, geopolitical developments, and unanticipated global events. Building a strong financial foundation begins with the establishment of an emergency fund. Recent worldwide financial crises have highlighted […] todayJanuary 24, 2024 23