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223 Results / Page 5 of 25



U.S criticises ICC arrest warrant application

The United States has condemned the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. President Joseph Biden says the application is "outrageous," and has promised to "stand with Israel." Reporting for us is Benji Hyer.  

todayMay 21, 2024 9


Aa South Africa yeli pondje yoshilongo otaya hogolola nena komeho yomahogololo gopashigwana geliko mo 29 May

Aa South africa mboka haya kala pondje yoshilongo oya tameke okuhogolola nena komeho yomahogololo gopashigwana geliko mo 29 May. Aahogololi aa South Africa haya kala mo Algeria,Egypt,Iran,Jordan,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia na Syria oya tameke okuhogolola potundi onti 07h00,taayi sigo opotundi onti 19h00 komatumo goku kalekapo iilongo yawo. Aa South Africa yeli miilongo yilwe ya konda 100 otaa hogolola ongula. Omahogololo otagyi sigo osondaaha mo London,moka muna aa South Africa ya konda 79 […]

todayMay 17, 2024 13


International Court of Justice holds hearings over Rafah offensive

The International Court of Justice is holding a hearing over South Africa's demands that Israel halt its offensive in Rafah. Late last year Pretoria brought a case against Israel to the UN's top court accusing it of violating the genocide convention. Allegations Israel has denied. William Denselow reports from The Hague in the Netherlands where the ICJ is located.

todayMay 16, 2024 10


Nakba marked by university protests in Belgium

Students in the Belgian city of Gent are marking the Nakba anniversary with fresh demonstrations on campus. Nakba means catastrophe in Arabic and is a term used to describe the mass expulsion of Palestinians from what is now Israel 76 years ago. William Denselow has the details from Gent.  

todayMay 16, 2024 16


More aid for Israel from the U.S. despite recent concern over Israel’s operation in Rafah

Washington is moving forward with another 1 billion dollars in military aid for Israel, despite U.S. President Joseph Biden only recently withholding weapons due to concerns about the impact on civilians. Israel continues a limited operation in Rafah despite warnings over the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip being catastrophic. Caroline Malone has more for us.  

todayMay 16, 2024 9


International Court to hear South Africa’s case against Israel

South Africa and Israel will face each other again at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. SA's government wants to ensure emergency orders are imposed on Israel to stop its Rafah offensive in the Gaza Strip. The court said in a statement lawyers from South Africa will argue on Thursday, followed by Israel's lawyers' response the next day. Meanwhile, large parts of the city of Rafah are now […]

todayMay 15, 2024 14


Israel’s invasion of Rafah will not eliminate Hamas or end the war. So, what is Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan?

    By Ian Parmeter, Australian National University     The Gaza war has now entered its eighth month and a resolution to the conflict still seems far off. Israel claims to have killed 13,000 Hamas militants so far. If that figure is correct, one can assume the number of wounded or incapacitated militants is at least twice or maybe three times that number. Prior to the war breaking out, […]

todayMay 15, 2024 21
