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57 Results / Page 1 of 7



Biden struggles during TV Debate

U.S President, Biden has struggled at times as he and Donald Trump clashed over immigration and foreign policy in the first TV debate of the US presidential race. They took questions on issues including economic policy, the war in Ukraine and abortion ahead of November's election. There was no audience, and microphones were muted when it wasn't that candidate's time to speak. Biden stumbled in his answers on a number […]

todayJune 28, 2024 4


Biden v Trump: US Presidential debate

Joseph Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump will tonight face-off against one another in the first Presidential debate of this tightly-fought campaign, more than four months before Americans go to the polls. The hotly-anticipated 90-minute head-to-head in the US city of Atlanta is a rematch of when the pair took the stage four years ago. Trump — who's since been charged for inciting an attempted insurrection and become the first […]

todayJune 28, 2024 6


Biden slams Trump on two year anniversary of Roe V. Wade

Monday marked two years since the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortions. It's become a key political issue for voters, with access to terminations expected to play a key role in November's presidential election. Reporting for us is Sally Patterson from New York.  

todayJune 25, 2024 16


RFK fails to qualify for presidential debate

Robert F Kennedy Jr's bid for the White House has experienced a setback after he failed to qualify for next week's presidential debate. The independent candidate was hoping for a shot to take on Joseph Biden and Donald Trump on the debate stage on Thursday night. Nick Harper reports from Washington.  

todayJune 21, 2024 7


Biden offers protections for illegal spouses of US citizens

U.S President, Joseph Biden has outlined what he's called a "common sense fix" to give undocumented immigrants legal status in the United States. His plan allows around 500,000 people living in the US illegally, who are married to US citizens, the chance to apply for green cards without leaving the US. The administration says it will help keep families together, rather than forcing them to leave America while their paperwork […]

todayJune 19, 2024 6


Biden issues Trump warning at A-lister attended LA Fundraiser

U.S President Joseph Biden has once again sounded the alarm about the dangers of a second Trump Presidency at a Los Angeles fundraiser over the weekend. It was hosted by his predecessor Barack Obama and raised over $30 million dollars. Our US Correspondent Jagruti Dave has more on the event which was also backed by some big names from Hollywood.  

todayJune 17, 2024 7


Hunter Biden faces more legal problems after conviction

The guilty verdicts against Hunter Biden marks the first time the child of a sitting US president has been convicted. But it doesn't cap the end of his legal problems. Sentencing is ahead… but so is another trial, later this year, on tax fraud. As Nick Harper reports for us from Washington.  

todayJune 13, 2024 19


Hunter Biden guilty, after jury deliberates for only three hours

The son of US President, Joseph Biden has been found guilty of three criminal charges related to the illegal purchase of a gun. During the trial, there were many witnesses including from the Biden family who spoke of his drug use in and around the time he bought the gun in 2018. Reporting for us is Caroline Malone.  

todayJune 12, 2024 25


UN Security Council Adopts US-Backed Resolution for Permanent Hamas-Israel Ceasefire

The United Nations Security Council has adopted a US-drafted resolution for a permanent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and the release of the hostages in Gaza. Fourteen of the 15 Security Council members voted in favour of the resolution. Russia abstained. A three-part ceasefire plan was unveiled by U.S president, Joseph Biden last month. Israel has already accepted the deal. Palestine's ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, has welcomed the […]

todayJune 11, 2024 19
