insert_link Namibia Sioka calls for collective investment to prevent GBV Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, Doreen Sioka, on Tuesday urged the government, civil society, churches and traditional authorities to prioritise investment in preventive measures to combat violence against women and girls. Sioka made the statement in Mariental during the launch of the commemoration of ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’ under the theme ‘Unite! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls.’ In her statement […] todayNovember 29, 2023 5
Oshiwambo Edimbuluko lefiku lokanona mounyuni omongula moWalvis Bay Tapopi nondjo nghundana yetu yoFuture Media News, oo eli omupopiliko wouminsity woufike pamwe paukashike koo okanhu ekondjifo loluhepo nonghalo nawa yoshiwana Lukas Haufiku okwati, Namibia neudo okwe limanga oukuni kumwe noshilongo Botwana, Zambia, Zimbabwe oku dimbuluka efiku lounona mounyuni. Okwati efiku oha lidimbulukiwa alushe mo 20 November omudo keshe, ashike neudo ota li dimbulukiwa mo 19 November tashiningilwa mo mudingonoko waWalvis Bay , omo ounona okudja moilongo yatumbulwa metetekelo tava […] todayNovember 18, 2023 9 1 3