insert_link Oshiwambo Ovo ve hana omikanda diminino moshikondo shee na utalala, ita va kapewa eemito do ilonga oku dja mo mudo tauya- Minister Lucia Ipumbu tati Minister wo ma pendulepo no ipindi , Lucia Iipumbu, okwa pula ovanailonga mo shikondo sho mipepo do upyu, omepo italala oshoyo mee nautalala vakufe ombinga mo madeulo awedwapo oo ta eva du li fifa va mone eedjapo davo. Iipumbu edi okwe di popya mo shipopiwa shaye osho sha leshwa ponele yaye po shii ndingili osho sha nu ninwa efiku lee na utalala mo unyuni, osho sha di mbulukilwa ko Ngwediva […] todayJune 27, 2024 18
insert_link Business / Economics The Alexforbes Lead Story – 5 December A delegation from the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade recently met with their Venezuelan counterparts to discuss ways to enhance Trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, Minister, Lucia Iipumbu, tells us more. todayDecember 6, 2023 9
insert_link Business / Economics An Opportunity to Deepen Trade and Investment between the United States and Namibia By US Ambassador, Randy Berry “The United States is all in on Africa.” President Biden affirmed during the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit last December. The future is Africa. On example is its youthful population: The median age on the continent is nineteen. By 2050, one in four people in the world will be in Africa. The United States wants them to be healthy and wealthy. What happens in Africa will affect […] todayNovember 1, 2023 10