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68 Results / Page 5 of 8



Aid Cuts Are Not Criticized as Violence Against Women, but They Should Be

    By  Marissa Conway   Britain has cut its international aid several times since 2020 and, by the government’s own admission, the well-being of women around the world has been substantially impacted. The 2021 cut to UNFPA, the UN Population Fund, is a prime example. If the £130 million (approximately $164 million) in funding had been maintained, it would have helped prevent a quarter of a million child and maternal deaths, 14 […]

todayFebruary 20, 2024 2


Israeli siege has placed Gazans at risk of starvation − prewar policies made them vulnerable in the first place

Displaced Gazan children wait in line to receive food. Belal Khaled/Anadolu via Getty Images Yara M. Asi, University of Central Florida The stories of hunger emerging from war-ravaged Gaza are stark: People resorting to grinding barely edible cattle feed to make flour; desperate residents eating grass; reports of cats being hunted for food. The numbers involved are just as despairing. The world’s major authority on food insecurity, the IPC Famine […]

todayFebruary 16, 2024 10

South Africa

EFF Threatens March to American Embassy in South Africa Over Ongoing Palestinian Bombardment

Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, issues a threat to march to the American embassy if the bombardment and alleged genocide of Palestinians continue. Speaking at a media briefing in Johannesburg, Malema condemns recent attacks on Palestine, accusing Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of defying the International Court of Justice's order to cease hostilities. The EFF leader declares the party's intention to hold the American embassy accountable […]

todayFebruary 16, 2024 3


Minister Naledi Pandor ta pula egameno lye li ndjekwepo

Omukuluntu goshikondo shiipambele yopashigwana nomalongelokumwe gopashigwana mo South Africa Zane Dangor okwati oshikondo oshina omaipulo gegameno lyaminister Naledi Pandor. Shika osha landula sho minister  Naledi Pandor a lombwele iikundaneki kombinga yepopitho lyopapangelo lyoshigwana o SONA kutya okuna omaipulo gegameno lyaanegumbo ye. O SABC oyati Pandor okwa kala ta shekwa nokuulikwwa omunwe, sho a kondema oonkatu dha Israel mo Gaza. South Africa okwa fala Israel kompangu o ICJ omolwa omafekelo gomadhipago […]

todayFebruary 13, 2024 8 1


Ehangano lyo Reporters Without Borders olya kondema edhipago lyaatolinkundana ya Palestine .

ehangano momushangwa taliti moomwedhi dhili 4 dhiikolokosha,uutoolinkundana wa Palestine owa kala tau hanagulwapo kaakwiita ya Israel,nondjele ya konda paatoolinkundana 84 ya dhipagwa,noya thika 20 ya dhipagelwa miilonga. Oonzo dha Palestine odhati  omwaalu gwaatoolinkundana ya dhipagwa oguli lopo 123. Ehangano taliindiile iilongo nomahangano gopashigwana ga ndjekepo ethindakano ku Israel opo a hulithepo omadhipago ngoka. Sho ya tulamo omanyenyeto gopaali nompangu yo Internatioanl Criminal Court,noku ninga omaindilo kiilongo nokomahangano gopashigwana,o Reporters Without […]

todayFebruary 8, 2024 9


Zuleikha Mayat: South African author and activist who led a life of courage, compassion and integrity

By Saleem Badat, University of the Free State Few Indian South African women have achieved wider public recognition than author, human rights and cultural activist Zuleikha Mayat, who passed away on 2 February 2024. An honorary doctorate from the University of KwaZulu-Natal was just one of many awards bestowed on her during a life that spanned almost 98 years. Mayat was a remarkable pioneer, evocative writer, public speaker, civic worker, […]

todayFebruary 7, 2024 6


As Donors Suspend Critical Funding to UNRWA, Allegations Against Staff Remain Murky

Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, or UNRWA, severed the contracts of staffers accused by Israel of taking part in the Hamas killing spree of Oct. 7. Yet the Israelis refuse to share evidence to the UN agency or to the larger UN organization about the allegations. Meanwhile, major donors to UNRWA have frozen funding just as Gazans face life or death situations. BBC SCREEN GRAB   […]

todayFebruary 6, 2024 2


International Community Must Not Waver in Its Commitment to Two-State Solution, Secretary-General Tells Palestinian Rights Committee

Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks to the opening of the 2024 session of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, in New York today: Mr. Chair, Ambassador Cheikh Niang, congratulations on your election to the Bureau. The Committee’s mandate and advocacy are crucial amidst the unresolved Question of Palestine and the enormous violence and suffering, particularly since the horrific 7 October attack by […]

todayFebruary 1, 2024 15


Guyana, Leading the UN Security Council, Is Not Giving Up on a Ceasefire in Gaza

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, permanent representative of Guyana, photographed at the country’s mission to the UN, Jan 22, 2023. “We would very much like to see a ceasefire for the people to receive the necessary humanitarian aid,” she said about Gaza in an interview. “We are not at that point yet, and that is really regrettable.” JOHN PENNEY/PASSBLUE By Damilola Banjo via PassBlue The United Nations Security Council’s continuing failure to agree […]

todayFebruary 1, 2024 1
