insert_link 3 Oshiwambo Aalumentu yaali oya mangwapo sho yaadhika noshipa shongaka kOutapi metitano. Opolisi momushangwa oyati omulumentu omu Namibia gomimvo 28 nomulumentu omu Angola gomimvo 32 oya mangwapo lopotundi onti 16h32 pethimbo lyoshikonga shomonanguwi sho ya kambadhala okulanditha oshipa kaanambelewa yopolisi yomonanguwi. Ongushu yoshipa inayi tseyika,ashike shiikwatelela ko Enviromental Information Service Namibia,oshipa shongaka yimwe oshina ongushu yodoola 50 000 momalandithilo taga ithanwa black market. Omakonakono gopolisi otaga tsikile. todayMay 13, 2024 35 3
insert_link Environment Environment Ministry flags increase in Pangolin trafficking The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism has confiscated 18 pangolin skins, 12 live pangolins, and 146 pangolin scales from September to November this year. This resulted in 23 criminal cases, with 38 suspects arrested, surpassing combined cases for elephants and rhinos. Ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda says the majority of incidents took place in the northern regions of the country. todayDecember 19, 2023 8
insert_link Environment MEFT records confiscation of 18 pangolin skins The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) has recorded a total of 18 pangolin skins, 12 live pangolins and 146 pangolin scales that were confiscated between September and November this year. This is according to the ministry’s spokesperson Romeo Muyunda, who in a press statement on Monday said as a result 23 criminal cases have been registered and 38 suspects arrested. These numbers, Muyunda said surpass that of […] todayDecember 19, 2023 7