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Opinion Pieces

Reflections on the economic legacy of his excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob

      By Josef Kefas Sheehama   Today, Namibia mourns the loss of one of its most influential leaders. His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob, Namibia's 3rd president, 04 February 2024 at the age of 82. It is fair that we revisit His Excellency Dr. Hage G Geingob role in the economic governance of Namibia, particularly, some of the economic policies and programmes that laid the foundation for the […]

todayFebruary 21, 2024 7


Hage Geingob: Namibian president who played a modernising role

  By Henning Melber, University of Pretoria Hage Gottfried Geingob served as the third president of Namibia from 2015 until his death on February 4 2024. He was Namibia’s first prime minister from 1990 to 2002, and served as prime minister again from 2012 to 2015. Geingob was born on 3 August 1941. He joined the ranks of the national liberation movement South West African People’s Organisation (Swapo during its […]

todayFebruary 5, 2024 4

Interview Transcripts

Navigating Namibia’s Political Landscape: Insights from Analyst Ndumba Kamwanya on Succession After Hage G Geingob’s Passing

In the wake of President Hage G Geingob's passing, Namibia finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with constitutional procedures and potential political implications. We reached out to seasoned political analyst Ndumba Kamwanya to shed light on the path forward and the challenges the nation may face in the days to come. The Constitutional Framework: Namibia's constitution, specifically Article 34, intricately outlines the succession process in the event of the president's […]

todayFebruary 5, 2024 12


Invest in modern maize technologies: Venaani

    The president of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), McHenry Venaani, has urged the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform to modernise maize production for self-sufficiency. In a media statement issued on Monday, Venaani said Namibia imported approximately 82 000 tonnes of maize in 2023 alone. “With reports of a mere 42 per cent harvest projected for 2023/24, leaving almost 60 per cent of our white maize needs […]

todayJanuary 24, 2024 7


Omupresident Hage Geingob, ota twikile noilonga nonande amonika omadidiliko ee cells doudu wo Cancer.

Ombelewa yomupresident oye shikoleka kutya omu President Hage Geingob okwa monika oudu wo  cancer, shalandula koidjemo yomakonaakono opaunamiti okomudo  oo ali aningilwa  08 January 2024. Momukanda oo watuminwa oikundaneki onghela ombelewa yomupresident oyati , onga oshitopolwa shoku ningilwa omakonaakono opaunamiti komudo keshe, omupresident okwali akaningilwa omakonaakono, noidjemo oya ulika ena omadididiliko ee cells doudu wo kakela. Nande ongaho Omukanda ina uyelifa kutya omupresident okuli mongalo ili ngahelipo ashike owa yelifa […]

todayJanuary 20, 2024 20 15 17


omuPresident Cyril Ramaphosa ina ombokelwa ngaashi vamwe tava ta ndavelifa omitotolombo.

Ombelewa yomupresident wa  South Africa oya kupulashi omitotolombo tadi popiwa koikundaneki yomakwatafano yomalungula opaungoba kutya okuli moshoombo nokwa tambulilwa moshipangelo tashi hangwa mo   Pretoria. Otaku lopotwa omuPresident Ramaphosa ina dula oku holoka moshongalele shongudu yo  ANC osho shali shaningilwa mo Mpumalanga nosha tukululifa omitotolombo kutya onghalo yaye youkolele oyanyika outalala. Oo eli omupopiliko womuprsident moshilongo Vincent Magwenya,  tayelifile oikundaneki komapyadja omalungula opaungoba kutya,  omupresident kena nande okapefili kasha okuli nawa […]

todayJanuary 9, 2024 6 2 4


OmuPresident Dr Hage G. Geingob okwatwa omukumo oshiwana shikale hashi likonaakonifa paundjolowele keshe komudo.

OmuPresident Dr Hage G. Geingob  onghela okwalopotwa ali akaningilwa omakonaakono okomudo opaunamiti mushimwe shomoipangelo yomoshilongo. Omukanda lopota wapitifwa okudja mombelewa yomupresident owati omupresident okwa kaningilwa omakonaakono opaunamiti okomodu oo aliko onghela po  7h30. Omupresident Gingob ota kuloppotwa hayandje alushe omayele koshiwana shaye opo shikale noku linigila omakonaakono okomudo molwaasho oshili shafimana oku tongolola noku kelela diva omikifi. Olopota oyati omakonaakono opaunamiti omuprsident okwa kwata oule weevili dili 2 omanga omutwe […]

todayJanuary 9, 2024 16 3 6


Omupresidet waGuinea-Bissau  Umaro Sissoco Embalo atataya moilonga omuPrima woshilongo.

o,  okwa lopotwa akufa moilonga omuPrima minister woshilongo Geraldo Martins, konima ashike yoshivike eshi opo ahangwa emuulikulula onga  omuprima, pefimbo oshilongo sha taalela onghalo yoku hena engungumano lopapolitika. Embalo ota kulopotwa yoo ahalakanifapo  oilyo yoparliement konima yeenghendabala odo dali tadi feekelelelwa okuumbako epangelo mefiku lo 1 December. Omupresident ina yelifila oshiwana kutya omolwashike atataya moilonga Martins,   oo eli oshilyo shongudu yomangeli kwali nale yo PAIGC,  ongudu oyo ili yakula yomilameno […]

todayDecember 21, 2023 18 2


Africa gets shot in the arm as African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation gets underway

                  Africa’s efforts to build a resilient and self-reliant pharmaceutical industry for the continent advanced significantly today as the African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation and the Rwandan Government signed the host country agreement paving the way for the Foundation’s operationalisation. The Foundation also signed a memorandum of understanding with the European Investment Bank to further strengthen cooperation. The African Development Bank Group's Board […]

todayDecember 19, 2023 9
