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21 Results / Page 3 of 3


Opinion Pieces

Rafah: A Point of No Return

      By Mona Ali Khalil   The catastrophe in Rafah has begun. In the 131 terrible days since the horrible Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023, we have watched 1.8 million Palestinian civilians pushed from the north of Gaza to the south and even further south until they reached Rafah at the very end of the strip. Adults and children alike have been bombed and shot relentlessly in […]

todayFebruary 16, 2024 15


Antonio Guterres concerned about situation in Rafah

The United Nations Secretary General says he is worried about the deteriorating conditions in Gaza. Speaking to reporters at the UN in New York on Tuesday, Antonio Guterres says he is particularly concerned about the security for humanitarian aid delivery. Guterres says he is pinning his hopes on the latest round of negotiations to avoid the devastating humanitarian consequences.  

todayFebruary 14, 2024 3


Minister Naledi Pandor ta pula egameno lye li ndjekwepo

Omukuluntu goshikondo shiipambele yopashigwana nomalongelokumwe gopashigwana mo South Africa Zane Dangor okwati oshikondo oshina omaipulo gegameno lyaminister Naledi Pandor. Shika osha landula sho minister  Naledi Pandor a lombwele iikundaneki kombinga yepopitho lyopapangelo lyoshigwana o SONA kutya okuna omaipulo gegameno lyaanegumbo ye. O SABC oyati Pandor okwa kala ta shekwa nokuulikwwa omunwe, sho a kondema oonkatu dha Israel mo Gaza. South Africa okwa fala Israel kompangu o ICJ omolwa omafekelo gomadhipago […]

todayFebruary 13, 2024 8 1
