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Rosa Namises

13 Results / Page 1 of 2



Rosa Namises announces independent bid for Presidency

Social, gender equality, and human rights activist Rosa Namises has announced that she will run as an independent candidate for Namibia’s Presidential elections in November 2024. The former secretary general of Congress of Democrats and parliamentarian says she is running for presidency to address the country’s social issues.  Political Analyst Rakkel Andreas weighs in.

todayApril 8, 2024 29


Activist Rosa Namises Discusses High Youth Unemployment and Parents’ Pension reliance

Activist Rosa Namises comments on the situation where, according to the Namibia Statistics Agency's initial findings, over 71.1% of the population under 35 years of age, out of the total population exceeding 3 million, are predominantly unemployed. This alarming rate of youth unemployment contributes to a greater reliance on their parents' Old Age Pension, currently set at N$1600 per month.  

todayMarch 14, 2024 2


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Activist Rosa Namises Critiques Namibia’s National Budget and Calls for Action

  In a heartfelt commentary on Namibia's national budget, activist Rosa Namises expressed her disappointment, particularly regarding the anticipated increase in the old age pension. Promised by the late president, the expectation was for a substantial raise, but the reality turned out to be a mere 200 Namibian dollars. Namises questioned when and why this change occurred, emphasizing the impact it would have on the elderly population, who are already […]

todayFebruary 29, 2024 15


Homeless used for political points

U-turn Homeless Ministries in South Africa is alarmed by the apparent disinterest among the homeless towards the upcoming elections. CEO Jean-Ray Knighton Fitt stresses the vital need to engage homeless individuals in the electoral process, acknowledging the challenges they face in voter registration. Underscoring the importance of including the homeless in the democratic process, Fitt advocates for their voices to be heard and their rights to be recognized. Namibian activist […]

todayFebruary 20, 2024 6


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Activist Rosa Namises Unveils the Intricate Nexus of Homelessness and Voting

Introduction: In a compelling interview, activist Rosa Namises delves into the heart of societal challenges, unraveling the complex web that connects homelessness and the voting landscape in Namibia. As we engage in this conversation, we gain valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of the issue and the imperative to address it with urgency. The Pervasive Issue of Homelessness: Namises draws attention to the profound impact of homelessness, extending far beyond […]

todayFebruary 20, 2024 17

Health / Medical

Rosa Namises Shares Thoughts on President Geingob’s Cancer Treatment in Los Angeles, USA.

Date: Jan 25, 2024 | Leonard Witbeen In a candid commentary, Rosa Namises, a prominent figure in Namibia, shared her reflections on President Hage Geingob's recent announcement of undergoing cancer treatment. Addressing the nation's leader's health condition, Namises expressed a mix of sentiments, acknowledging the human aspect of the situation. Namises opened her remarks by stating the difficulty of commenting on such a sensitive matter, recognizing President Geingob's humanity and […]

todayJanuary 25, 2024 34


President Hage Geingob Heads to the U.S. for Specialized Medical Treatment

President Hage Geingob departed for the United States of America to undergo specialized medical treatment for a duration of seven days. A press release from the Office of the President, revealed that following his public disclosure on February 19, 2024, regarding the detection of cancerous cells, Geingob accepted a medical offer from leading scientists and medical professionals in Los Angeles, California. Activist Rosa Namises.  

todayJanuary 25, 2024 4

Interview Transcripts

Rosa Namises spoke to us on:”The Balance of Presidential Travel: A Call for Domestic Engagement”

Social Activist Rosa Namises sat down with us to briefly speak on President Hage G Geingob's traveling. Here's the full interview. "The importance of a president's international travel cannot be understated; however, there's an equally critical need for them to invest quality time within the country. While traveling involves meeting other leaders, which is essential, it's equally vital for a leader to engage with their own citizens within the nation. […]

todayJanuary 9, 2024 13
