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Turkie okwa hala oku nkondopeka uukumwe woshilongo na China

Omupresitend gwa Turkie Recep Tayyip Erdogan okwa lombwele mbushe miilonga gwa China Xi Jinping kutya okwa hala uukumwe wa Turkie na China wu tsikile oku nawapala. Tati opwa kuthwa wo oonkatu oku nawapaleka uukumwe mbuka muuwanawa wiilongo yopaali. Aaleli ayehe yopaali oya tsakanene komutumba go Shangahi Cooperation Organisation mo Asatana na Kazakhstain ohela,nokwiikunda iita ya Russia-Ukraine nomalugodhi mo Gaza. Pethimbo lyoshigongi,Erdogan okwiindiile omilandu tadhi longo dhi kuthwe koshigwana shomuuyuni,oku keelela […]

todayJuly 6, 2024 4

South Africa

Uncertain times for South Africa’s foreign policy as country heads for coalition government

        By Bhaso Ndzendze, University of Johannesburg     After South Africa’s 29 May election, the African National Congress has lost the electoral majority it held for 30 years, but remains the party with the highest number of seats in parliament. This makes it a key partner in the formation of a coalition government. For 30 years the ANC had a comfortable majority which allowed it to […]

todayJune 3, 2024 18
