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    Omanyano ovanhu koikundaneki yomalungula kashili paveta, Commisiner Sakaria takunghilile Veronika Haulenga

University of Cape Town

7 Results / Page 1 of 1


South Africa

In S.A, DA demands higher education minister’s action plan on student concerns

To South Africa, where the DA is calling on the minister of Higher Education and Training, Nobuhle Pamela Nkabane, to present an action plan to Parliament addressing the serious issues students have highlighted. Students from various tertiary campuses across the country, including Wits and the University of Cape Town, have been protesting over being excluded from registration due to historical debt and lack of accommodation. The DA’s, Matlhodi Maseko, says […]

todayFebruary 21, 2025 34


UUministeli wuuhaku ouna omukumo mowenda yoku keelela o HIV yo lenacapavir

Uuministeli wuuhaku ouna omukumo kombinga yowenda yoku keelela o HIV o lenacapavir,ndjoka tayi ningilwa omalolelo miilongo ya Africa ya yooloka. Moshiluku shayo oshitiyali,owenda oyuulika iizemo tayi etitha oonkondo koohandimwe yena o HIV naamboka yaahena ombuto. Shiikwatelela ku Linda-Gail Bekker,omu Professor ko University of Cape town ,okwati omalolelo mo South Africa nomo Uganda oguulike kutya owenda tayigandjwa lwaali momumvo otayi gandja egameno lyuudha kyo HIV kaakiintu aagundjuka . Omalolelo oga yelekanitha […]

todayOctober 17, 2024 20


Major global media still fails Africa, but bright spots emerge

      By Seth Onyango, via bird story agency     Despite some progress, a clichéd and often stereotypical coverage of Africa persists among major global media outlets. However, there are notable exceptions like The Guardian, AFP, Al Jazeera, and Reuters, which are breaking the mould with balanced reporting of the continent. Findings from the University of Cape Town's Global Media Index for Africa (GMI) suggest that major news […]

todayMay 23, 2024 57


South Africa’s ageing population comes with new challenges. How best to adapt to them

  By Lauren Johnston, University of Sydney Young people – under the age of 15 – currently make up 29% of South Africa’s population. But this will soon change: the aged portion of the population is forecast to rise from 2030, bringing many challenges. Lauren Johnston, an economics and political economy expert, recently published a paper on the subject. We asked her to put the developments into perspective. What is […]

todayJanuary 22, 2024 26


African dinosaurs and the sixth mass extinction

“It’s really important that we realise we need to take better care of the planet, otherwise we’ll also go the way of the dinosaur,” said Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan, palaeobiologist and professor at the University of Cape Town. She was speaking at GroundUp’s final Science for the People seminar for the year, hosted at Bertha House in Cape Town on Friday 1 December. Chinsamy-Turan has a species of Sabre-toothed cat named after her. The topic of […]

todayDecember 5, 2023 19


Science & Technology

South African university students use AI to help them understand – not to avoid work

Students are not adopting digital and AI-powered tools uncritically. tzido/iStock Tanja Bosch, University of Cape Town and Chikezie E. Uzuegbunam, Rhodes University When ChatGPT was released in November 2022, it sparked many conversations and moral panics. These centre on the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on the information environment. People worry that AI chatbots can negatively affect the integrity of creative and academic work, especially since they can produce […]

todayNovember 20, 2023 23