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30 Results / Page 3 of 4



Antonio Guterres concerned about situation in Rafah

The United Nations Secretary General says he is worried about the deteriorating conditions in Gaza. Speaking to reporters at the UN in New York on Tuesday, Antonio Guterres says he is particularly concerned about the security for humanitarian aid delivery. Guterres says he is pinning his hopes on the latest round of negotiations to avoid the devastating humanitarian consequences.  

todayFebruary 14, 2024 3


Antonio Guterres calls for speedy UN reforms

The UN Secretary General says reforming the United Nations has become a top priority. Speaking at the United Nations on Thursday, Antonio Guterres said the world needs institutions that are aligned with the times. He has also called for concrete steps to be taken towards a two-State solution in the Middle East, based on UN resolutions, international law and previous agreements. Jody Jacobs reports from New York.  

todayFebruary 9, 2024 8


Ehangano lyo Reporters Without Borders olya kondema edhipago lyaatolinkundana ya Palestine .

ehangano momushangwa taliti moomwedhi dhili 4 dhiikolokosha,uutoolinkundana wa Palestine owa kala tau hanagulwapo kaakwiita ya Israel,nondjele ya konda paatoolinkundana 84 ya dhipagwa,noya thika 20 ya dhipagelwa miilonga. Oonzo dha Palestine odhati  omwaalu gwaatoolinkundana ya dhipagwa oguli lopo 123. Ehangano taliindiile iilongo nomahangano gopashigwana ga ndjekepo ethindakano ku Israel opo a hulithepo omadhipago ngoka. Sho ya tulamo omanyenyeto gopaali nompangu yo Internatioanl Criminal Court,noku ninga omaindilo kiilongo nokomahangano gopashigwana,o Reporters Without […]

todayFebruary 8, 2024 8


Algeria plans to table fresh ceasefire resolution at the Security Council

There's increasing calls for an urgent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza in the United Nations Security Council. The council convened a meeting on Wednesday at the request of Algeria to discuss the provisional measures announced by the International Court of Justice last week. It now plans to table a fresh ceasefire resolution in the coming days. Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York.  

todayFebruary 1, 2024 2


High Level UN Security Council meeting to be finalized in New York

A High Level Inter-ministerial Security Council meeting will take place in New York on Tuesday. France's Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs is expected to chair the meeting. The meeting comes as Palestinian officials in Gaza reported that over 25 thousand people have now been killed and the United Nations says the humanitarian situation is out of control. Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York.

todayJanuary 24, 2024 3


Another delay on Gaza at the U.N Security Council

Further delays at the U.N Security Council on Thursday as diplomats continue to negotiate a resolution on Gaza. For days now council members have been meeting behind closed doors to come to some agreement as the world's eyes remain fixed on the council to take decisive action on the matter. Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations.  

todayDecember 22, 2023 5
