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    Omanyano ovanhu koikundaneki yomalungula kashili paveta, Commisiner Sakaria takunghilile Veronika Haulenga

Water Quality

5 Results / Page 1 of 1



Concern over byproduct of disinfectants found in U.S. drinking water

  Researchers have identified a new chemical in U.S. drinking water, which is thought to be a by-product of the disinfectants used for decades to clean water of bacteria and water-borne illnesses. Scientists have recommended more research into the previously unknown compound to work out if it poses a threat to public health. Caroline Malone reports.  

todayNovember 25, 2024 26


Ghana: Kumasi city’s unplanned boom is destroying two rivers – sewage, heavy metals and chemical pollution detected

  By Stephen Appiah Takyi, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and Owusu Amponsah, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)   Ghana’s urban population has more than tripled in the past three decades, from 4 million to nearly 14 million people. Competition for land in cities has increased among various land uses. These trends have led to encroachment in ecologically sensitive areas such as wetlands. Kumasi, […]

todayFebruary 8, 2024 25

South Africa

Water quality in South Africa: reports show what needs to be fixed, and at what cost

Michele Spatari /AFP via Getty Images Kevin Winter, University of Cape Town The citizens of Hammanskraal, a small town north of South Africa’s capital, Tshwane, have been dealing with the deaths of 23 residents from cholera since 23 May 2023. Tests to find the source are continuing. The initial assumption by residents and authorities was that poor quality water led to the outbreak. In one week in May, 163 patients […]

todayDecember 6, 2023 12