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Zane Dangor

2 Results / Page 1 of 1



Minister Naledi Pandor ta pula egameno lye li ndjekwepo

Omukuluntu goshikondo shiipambele yopashigwana nomalongelokumwe gopashigwana mo South Africa Zane Dangor okwati oshikondo oshina omaipulo gegameno lyaminister Naledi Pandor. Shika osha landula sho minister  Naledi Pandor a lombwele iikundaneki kombinga yepopitho lyopapangelo lyoshigwana o SONA kutya okuna omaipulo gegameno lyaanegumbo ye. O SABC oyati Pandor okwa kala ta shekwa nokuulikwwa omunwe, sho a kondema oonkatu dha Israel mo Gaza. South Africa okwa fala Israel kompangu o ICJ omolwa omafekelo gomadhipago […]

todayFebruary 13, 2024 8 1


International Court of Justice to hear South Africa’s plea against Gaza ‘massacre’

The International Court of Justice will begin arguments on South Africa's bid to stop what it calls the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. South Africa’s International Relations Director General, Zane Dangor told Newzroom Africa that institutionalised impunity has allowed a ‘textbook genocide to unfold in Gaza.’Separately, Al Jazeera reports that the United Nations’ humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths says Gaza has become a place of “death and despair” for Palestinians as […]

todayJanuary 8, 2024 4
