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Month: May 2024

1807 Results / Page 172 of 201



Omupresitend omukulu Jacob Zuma otaka holoka komeho yo ANC ongula

Omupresitend omukulu gwa South Africa Jacob Zuma onkee taka holoka komeho gongundu yo ANC ongula,nonando ongundu tayi pangele yati etsakaneno olya kalekwa. Etine ya piti,Zuma okwiithanwa ko ANC National Disciplinary committee omolwa etokolo ye okuwayimina ongundu ompe yo uMkhoto we Sizwe mu December gwa piti,ndjoka eli omuleli gwayo,nonando eli natango oshilyo sho ANC. Ongundu yo ANC,shiikwatelela ko ANC oyati otayi kaleke oshigongi shayo na Zuma omolwa omatompelo gegameno. Omupopiliko gongundu […]

todayMay 6, 2024 10


Ongundu yo Frelimo ya hogolola omuleli omupe a pingenepo omupresitend Nyusi

Ongundu tayi pangele mo Mozambiqie yo Frelimo oya hogolola ngoloneya ngoka inaa tseyika lwanawa Daniel Chapo,onga omuleli gwayo omupe,oku landula omupresitend Filipe Nyusi ngele ongundu oya sindana omahogololo gonuumvo. Ongundumutima yo Frelimo oya hogolola Chapo ohela,okuza maaulikwa yalwe ya 3 yomeni,sha landula omahogololo gomasiku ga 3. Chapo,kwali omunongeki nomutoolinkundana okwa kala ngoloneya gwa Inhambane okuza mo 2016. Mepipi lyomimvo 47,ota kala omuulikwa omugundjuka ngoka taka nanena omawi gaagundjuka mongundu,ndjoka ya […]

todayMay 6, 2024 17


Yaali ya holoka mohofa ya Katutura omolwa edhipago lyomulumentu omugundjuka kOtjomuise oshiwike sha piti

Aafekelwa yaali yomimvo 18 mboka ya mangwapo omolwa edhipago lya Christof Frederik kOtjomuise oshiwika sha piti oya holoka nena mohofa ya Katutura. Yaali oyo Elias Namwandi na Mervin Lele Beukes. Yaali oya taalela oshipotha shedhipago,okuya uuyuki moshipala,noku ningila omudhimba omuyonena. Noya mangwapo okupitila momakonakono gopolisi,nopakwathelo  lyoshigwana. Omufekelwa gotango okwa mangelwa mo Windhoek olyomakaya,omanga omutiyali a mangelwa ko Swakopmund ohela. Omudhimba gwa Frederik ogwiitsuwa mo Otjomuise,niilyo yopaumwene ya tetwako noku tulwa […]

todayMay 6, 2024 10


Aa Chad otaya hogolola omuleli omupe

Aa Chad otaya hogolola nena momahogololo guupresitend,onkatu ya simana okuhulithapo epangelo lyopakathimbo lyuule woomvula 3. Omupresitend gopakathimbo Mahamat Deby pethimbo a hogolola okwati okuuvite etumba okugwanithapo euvaneko lye okusimaneka esiku lyomahogololo ngoka taga ka shuna oshilongo kepangelo lyopakotampango. Aantu oomilion 8 otaya hogoholola omupresitend okuza maaulikwahogololwa yeli 10,mwa kwatelwa omuleli gopakwiita Deby na Prime minister Succes Masra. Iizemo yopetameko okwa tegelelwa yi zemo mo 21 May,,ashike edhingoloko etiyali otali ka […]

todayMay 6, 2024 4


Yaali ya mangwapo sho yaadhika nongaka yina omwenyo moshitopolwa Oshikoto

Aafekelwa yaali aalumentu oya mangwapo sho yaadhika nongaka yina omwenyo moshitopolwa Oshikoto molyomakaya. Omukwatakanithi gwekondololo lyiimbuluma moshitopolwa Oshikoto Deputy Comm Titus Ekandjo okwa lombwele o Nampa kutya aalumentu yomimvo 30 no 34 oya mangwapo lopotundi onti 20h00 moshikandjohogoolo Nehale Lya Mpingana  pethimbo lyoshikonga shopamuhanga shili ompinge nuukongo pokati kopolisi yoshilongo muuministeli womidhingoloko. Ongaka oyina ongushu yoodoa 50 000. Aafekelwa okwa tegelelwa ya holoke mohofa ya Tsumeb ongula.

todayMay 6, 2024 6


Kenya okuli metifa lyoku hupitha mboka ya gumwa komafundja

Iikonga yomewangandjo noyomomeya oyili metifa mo Kenya okuhupitha aanamagumbo mboka ya kondekelwa momagumbo komeya momudhingoloko Nyando,sho oshilongo sha taalela omafundja. Molyomakaya,omulonga gwa Nyando ogwa kunguluka,noku ninginitha omikunda odhindji noku piyaganeka einyengo lyiiyenditho mondjila onene ya Kisumu-Nairobi. Aanamagumbo ya konda 1 000 oya thiminikwa ya tauke omagumbo. Kapena manga oolopota dhomaso,ashike opolisi oyati ondjele yomeya otayi londo. Oospan dhopamuhanga pokati ko  Kenya Red Cross, Kenya Coast Guard Services no  Kenya Wildlife […]

todayMay 6, 2024 9

Islamic Development Bank Institute Fosters Islamic Finance Collaboration during 2024 Group Annual Meetings

APO International

Islamic Development Bank Institute Fosters Islamic Finance Collaboration during 2024 Group Annual Meetings

[[{"value":"The Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI) ( played an important role in supporting Islamic finance during the 2024 IsDB Group Annual Meetings and Golden Jubilee Celebration in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. From April 27-30, IsDBI hosted 20 bilateral meetings with a diverse range of partners. This strong engagement underscores the growing interest in Islamic finance across the IsDB member countries. Led by Dr. Sami Al-Suwailem, Acting Director General of IsDBI, […]

todayMay 6, 2024 8

Resolution of the 86th Congress of the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) Centenary Celebration and 86th Congress

APO International

Resolution of the 86th Congress of the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) Centenary Celebration and 86th Congress

[[{"value":"After 100 years of existence, our association enters its new century with some new professional challenges to face. Our founders saw clearly into the future, they were driven by a correct vision of the evolution of our profession and now it is up to us to respond to the new needs, which are dictated by the use of advanced technology. AI We cannot deny it, we are under attack. The […]

todayMay 6, 2024 8


As humans, we all want self-respect – and keeping that in mind might be the missing ingredient when you try to change someone’s mind

Looking to persuade someone? Start with respect. dusanpetkovic/iStock via Getty Images Plus     By Colin Marshall, University of Washington   Why is persuasion so hard, even when you have facts on your side? As a philosopher, I’m especially interested in persuasion – not just how to convince someone, but how to do it ethically, without manipulation. I’ve found that one of the deepest insights comes from the German philosopher Immanuel […]

todayMay 6, 2024 17
