Omanyano ovanhu koikundaneki yomalungula kashili paveta, Commisiner Sakaria takunghilile
Veronika Haulenga
Omanyano ovanhu koikundaneki yomalungula kashili paveta, Commisiner Sakaria takunghilile
Veronika Haulenga
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Omanyano ovanhu koikundaneki yomalungula kashili paveta, Commisiner Sakaria takunghilile Veronika Haulenga
Parliament’s standing committee on Public Accounts has resolved to call minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Angie Motshekga, to respond to issues emanating from the department’s 2023/2024 financial year audit outcomes. The Auditor-General briefed Scopa on the department’s audit outcomes and Denel’s. Scopa chairperson, Songezo Zibi, says of concern is a string of material irregularities in which senior officials failed to hold those responsible accountable either for maladministration, misconduct, or failure to meet performance objectives:
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Written by: Leonard Witbeen
accountability Angie Motshekga Audit Outcomes Auditor-General Defence Ministry Denel financial year 2023-2024 maladministration Material Irregularities Military Veterans misconduct Parliament Performance Objectives Public Accounts scopa Songezo Zibi
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