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Khomas Region

11 Results / Page 1 of 2



0ver 300 000 voters registered: ECN

    The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has registered a cumulative total of 366 036 eligible Namibians since the commencement of the General Registration of Voters (GRV). The GRV started on 03 June and is set to end on 01 August 2024. In a media statement issued on Wednesday, the ECN said the figure represents those registered as voters inside the country and at all Namibian diplomatic missions abroad […]

todayJune 20, 2024 4


Ovanhu vedulife po 187 000 ove lishangifa oukalata vomahoololo moshivike shotete.

Omuvalu wo va Namibia ve du life po 187 000 ova di dilikwa veli shangifa oukalata vo mahoololo moule wo mafiku eli 6 oku dja nghene oma li shangifo ahovelele. Omukanda oo wa pitifilwa oikudaneki okudja ko commisi yo mahoololo moshilongo owati , ovanhu ve fike po 187 171,  ove li shangifa oku li monena oukalata vo mahoololo oku hovela mo 03 -08 June 2024,  oku dja mee nele adishe […]

todayJune 14, 2024 5 2


Nearly 200 Khomas teachers honoured for academic excellence for 2023 By Valeria Handobe, via News on One In a celebration of academic excellence, nearly 200 teachers in the Khomas region have been honoured for their outstanding performance in the 2023 academic year. The awards ceremony, held at Windhoek High School on Wednesday , aimed to recognise and reward the dedication and hard work of teachers who have significantly contributed to the academic success of their learners. Among the top […]

todayMay 24, 2024 13


Ben Nangobe okwati oshitopolwa sha Khomas osha taalela omumbwe yee Ambulance.

Omunambelewa omukulunhu mo shikondo sho uhaku Ben Nangobe okwati,  oshitopolwa sha Khomas ota shi hangwa ashike oyeendifo yee ambulances dili 13, odo tati ina di wana oku ya ndja omakwafo ko shiwana. Nangobe edi okwe dipopya pefimbo leenghundafana odo ali mudo no News on One, sha landula ko shi ningwanima sho  ambulance ya fika kwa to kelwa  oku yandja eyakulo ko mukainhu wo mido 22,  oo ali ta mono okanona […]

todayMay 16, 2024 5


ECN ahovela no ku ningila oyeendifo omakonaakono, oyo ta ika pumbiwa oku kwatela komesho oinyangadalwa yo mahoololo.

O Commission yo mahoololo mo Namibia (ECN)oya ho vela noku ningila omakonaakono oyee ndifo oyo ta ika longifwa pefimbo lo mahoololo opashiwana kwa fanekwa aka kaleko mu November 2024 moshilongo. makonaakono taa ningilwa oyee ndifo okwa hovela onghela, no sha ta lika sha li sha eta oovene vo yeendifo yo paumwe  okuu ya ko shitaashi sho polifi ya opo oyeendifo yavo ita like ngeenge ota idulu tuu oku ka kakala ya […]

todayMay 16, 2024 9


Khomas Region and Jiangsu Province partner on priority areas

The Khomas Regional Council has signed a work plan with a delegation from the Jiangsu province of China. The plan focuses on essential priority areas including science, technology, education, culture, sports, health, trade and investment, agriculture, environment protection, tourism, and human resources, in line with the existing twinning partnership. Governor of the Khomas Region Laura McLeod-Katjirua.

todayApril 23, 2024 20


McLeod-Katjirua urges men to take active role in addressing GBV

The Governor of the Khomas Region, Laura McLeod-Katjirua, has urged males in Namibia to take part in initiatives aimed at addressing behavioural issues and gender-based violence. In her statement to mark this year’s International Human Rights Day on Sunday, McLeod-Katjirua encouraged the men to attend events like the men’s conferences recently held at Keetmanshoop and Ondangwa. Over 1 000 men attended each of the two events organised by among others […]

todayDecember 12, 2023 2
