insert_link South Africa ActionSA Criticizes Possible Cabinet Expansion by ANC and DA ActionSA has noted reports suggesting that the ANC and DA government of national unity could be planning to expand the size of an already bloated cabinet. ActionSA’s, Samkelo Mgobozi says with 30 serving ministers and 36 deputy ministers, costing taxpayers over 146-million-rand annually in salaries alone, president Cyril Ramaphosa’s previous promise to downsize the cabinet has clearly amounted to no real intention: todayJune 18, 2024 36
insert_link Oshiwambo Omahogololo naga shunemo-Zuma Omupresitend omukulu gwa South Africa Jacob Zuma okwa sheke epangelo epe lyuukumwe lyolyomakaya ,nokwiindile omahogololo omape. Zuma,shiikwatelela ko Africa news,Zuma ngoka eli omuleli gongundu ompe yo MK tati napa ningwe omahogololo omape. Ongundu ye oyeya ponomola onti 3rd momahogololo ga ningwa mo 29 May,nokwati aatotiveta yongundu ye yeli 58 itaya wayimina epangelo lyuukumwe lyongundu tayi pangele. Na Zuma okwatile ongundu ye itayiyi moonkundathana ,omanga Ramaposa eli omuleli go ANC. Ramaposa […] todayJune 17, 2024 32
insert_link Oshiwambo O DA otayiyi ashike mondjokana no ANC ngele o EFF,o MK Party no Patriotic Party indadhi kwatelwamo Ongundu yompilameno yopambelewa mo South Africa o DA oyati otayi ka zimina ashike okukala oshitopolwa shepangelo lyuukumwe ndyoka lya thanekwa ko ANC ngele ongundu yo uMkhoto we Sizwe,yo Economic Freedom Figthers noyo Patriotic Alliance inadhi kwatelwamo. O SABC oya lopota kutya ohela,omupresitend go ANC Cyril Ramaposa okwa tseyitha kutya ongundu otayi kongo okutholomapo epangelo lyuukumwe noongundu dhoompilameno. Ongundu oya tulapo oompango dhawo dha kwata miiti kohi hoka oongundu tadhi […] todayJune 7, 2024 17
insert_link South Africa S.Africa minister charged as part of corruption probe By Dave CLARK A South African minister was arrested and charged with corruption on Wednesday, as his ANC party wrangles with how to form a new government after major election losses. Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa was detained after he was implicated by the vast Zondo Commission inquiry into corruption under former ANC president Jacob Zuma's rule. As a serving minister in President Cyril Ramaphosa's […] todayJune 5, 2024 20
insert_link Oshiwambo ANC okwati ita ta mbulako omalombwelo eengudu odo tadi pula opo omupresident Cyril Ramaphosa afiyepo oshipundi. Ongudu yo mangeli mo South Africa, yo African National Congress oyati ita ika ta mbulako omalombwelo eengudu odo tadi pula opo President Cyril Ramaphosa, adjeko ko shipundi opo va dule nawa oku longela kumwe pambwida lo ku kwa tela komesho oshilongo. Oshili oshikando sho tete mo ndjokonona yo shilongo osho ongudu yo ANC tai sheendifa nai oku dja moidjemo yo mahoololo konima yo mido 30 ya kala no ku kwa […] todayJune 3, 2024 8
insert_link Business / Economics Private trains to ply South African rail network in commercial revamp By Seth Onyango, bird story agency South Africa is opening its rail network to private train operators in a commercial pivot to revitalise a key component of its transport and logistics infrastructure. It is part of the state-run logistics firm, Transnet SOC Ltd to inject dynamism into the sector, plagued by inefficiencies and maintenance challenges. On Friday, March 15, Transnet published a document laying the groundwork for […] todayMarch 18, 2024 23
insert_link 9 Oshiwambo Ramaphosa taka tulamo eindilo loku talulula elombwelo olo apewa komangu shinasha nenangeko lohamba yova Zulu. Omupresident waSouth Africa'Cyril Ramaphosa okwa lopotwa taka tulamo etalululo momangu shinasha nelombwelo olo apewa komangu kutya etulo koshivalo olo ayandja kohamba ipe yova Zulu, okwe shininga shiheli pamango. Ombelewa yomupresident momukanda oo yapitifila oikundaneki oyati, pefimbo oshiningwanima shakala tashi ungaungwa nasho komangu ohamba Misuzulu oyo natango ili kolukalwa lokupangela oshiwana shova Zulu. Enangeko lohamba Misuzulu, olili latulilwamo omashongo komangu yopombada yaPretoria komumwainamati adalwa kuxe , Prince Simakade Zulu, oo tapopi […] todayDecember 14, 2023 11 9
insert_link 3 Oshiwambo Opena oolopota kutya oshipopiwa shomupresitend Ramaposa osha shangwa kwa longithwa o Artificial Intelligence Ombelewa yomupresitend gwa South Africa otayi konakona ngele iitopolwa yimwe yoshipopiwa shomupresitend Cyril Ramaposa oshiwike sha piti oya shangwa kwa longithwa o ChatGPT yo Artificial Inteligence. O BBC oya lopota kutya shika osha landula oolopota komalungula kutya iitopolwa yimwe yoshipopiwa sha gandjwa komutumba gwelongo komupresitend inashi za kuye nenge kaashangi yiipopiwa ye. Omupopiliko gwe Vincent Magwenya shika okweshi tindi,tati ihaya longitha iilongitho yo AI miipopiwa yafa mpoka. Tati iitopolwa yoshipopiwa […] todayNovember 28, 2023 12 3
insert_link South Africa South Africa’s parliament suspends Malema South Africa's opposition leader, Julius Malema, and five other MPs from the Economic Freedom Fighters party received a one-month suspension without pay from parliament. BBC Africa reports that the punishment, due to contempt of parliament, resulted from their actions of storming the stage during President Cyril Ramaphosa's state of the nation address in February. The committee found them guilty, leading to Malema being escorted from the hall by security. todayNovember 23, 2023 12